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Clovis News Journal - Saturday marks the dedication of a new confederacy memorial in Portales Cemetery. The memorial was bought and is being dedicated by United Daughters of Confederacy, the Ellen W. Jones Chapter 1022 in Portales. According to president of the chapter, Janelle Foster, the memorial is in honor of confederate soldiers who fought in the Civil War and includes the names of the 30 confederate soldiers buried in Portales Cemetery along with the names of 25 confederate soldiers buried in rural cemeteries in the surrounding area. “I think it’s important that people know where their ancestors are buried,” Foster said. “Many people don’t even know they have ancestors who fought in the war.” Foster said the UDC has owned the circular area in the center of the cemetery since about 1913 and they have dedicated it to confederate soldiers and their descendants. The memorial stone with the names was added last month in the center of the graves, where a UDC monument also stands. It was built in 1930. The dedication will be held at 10:30 a.m. at the site.
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Confederacy memorial to be dedicated Saturday
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