Senator on Driver's Licenses: " That’s what my constituents seem to overwhelmingly want.”
Posted by
Jim Spence
on Wednesday, August 31, 2011
New Mexico News
Capitol Report New Mexico - If Gov. Susana Martinez is going to overturn New Mexico’s statute allowing illegal immigrants to receive driver’s licenses in the upcoming special session, she’s going to have to get at least six Democrats in the state Senate to switch their votes. She may have picked up at least one. On Wednesday (Aug. 31), Sen. Steve Fischmann (D-Mesilla Park) said in a radio interview he’s seriously thinking of voting in favor of rescinding the law. In the 60-day legislative session earlier this year, Martinez — with Rep. Andy Nuñez leading the charge — was able to get a bill overturning the law through the House of Representatives. But the bill died in the Senate, on a 25-16 vote with every Democrat except one (Sen. John Arthur Smith of Deming) voting against the measure. Sen. Linda Lopez (D-Albuquerque) missed the vote but was expected to have voted against the bill, so in order to win over a majority in the Senate, Martinez will need six Democrats to flip — a tall order. Well, that number my be reduced to five because Fischmann said Wednesday on the News New Mexico radio program: Read rest of story here: News New Mexico Listen to archive of interview with Senator Fischmann here: News New Mexico

What the citizens of New Mexico want, as it relates to this issue, is no longer in question. The question is whether or not elected state senators and state representatives are going to continue to ignore the overwhelming majority of citizens that oppose this law. I suspect many hardheaded politicians will be conducting their own polls to determine whether or not continuing to ignore their constituents will cost them their job. Evidently, right and wrong and what the voters demand, by nearly 80%+ is irrelevant to them. It's ALL about them and their selfish ideology.
the senators ignoring this are 'the four horsemen' they are worse than coyotes running illegals across the border - because they swore to uphold the laws on the books (like barry obama) and because this is a spineless state - no one does crap about it - new mexico legislature should all be arrested.
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