Confrontation needed in Endangered Species Act process

From NM - By , State Representative, District 57 - America’s citizens should be able to assume that Endangered Species Act (ESA) listings are based on “best science,” as determined by an altruistic scientist — an honest arbiter. Sadly, this ideal model isn’t how it works in real life. My background is engineering and law enforcement. When the proposed ESA listing of the Sand Dune Lizard threatened my community’s well being, I got involved. It was my first in-depth involvement with the ESA process. It was interesting and enlightening. More importantly, it was disturbing. Over the last several months I worked with a group of scientists to conduct a detailed review of the proposal to designate the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard as an “endangered species.” On Aug. 15 we presented a 20-page critique of this proposal to Congressman Pearce. The report can be found at the Artesia Chamber of Commerce website. In the criminal justice system science is critical. Because of its importance, it is getting increased scrutiny. Likewise, the concept of the “wise man” scientist decision-maker, isolated from politics or outside influences, has to be questioned. This is what we did with the proposed listing for the Sand Dune Lizard. Read more


Anonymous said...

This is precisely why environmentalists are amongst the most hated ideological hacks in America. There's no scientific foundation in many of their claims, they're unaccountable for the devastation they cause when they're wrong. (The Spotted Owl in Oregon). And the objective of the vast majority of them is to re-create the frontier Columbus and others found when America was first discovered by Europeans. Naturally, this infuriates those of us who have to actually work for a living to support our families. It's predictable that if unfounded claims by environmentalists continue to put Americans out of work, with no avenue to confront their false claims, unlawful violence will be perpetrated against these groups and their members. We have to ask ourselves, " this a fair and objective process?". If there's at least a fair and balanced scientific approach, to addressing these ridiculous claims, most can accept the outcome and bring genuine closure to process. However, under the circumstances the existing process is corrupt, often bankrupt of any legitimacy and currently designed to allow environmentalists the option to avoid exposing the truth and making the science readily available for public scrutiny and qualified challenges. Again, deliberately allowing a process where science and truth are less important has and will result in some taking matters into their own hands. Is that the purpose of environmental groups, to steamroll the livelihoods of others in order to achieve their perverted political objectives? Why is it less important to know the truth and the science that supports the truth?

Anonymous said...

I agree that environmentalists are rapidly becoming a hated group. Their demands and resolutions are ludicrous. If they had their way, no one would drive a vehicle of any kind. Not even electric vehicles because there would be no electricity to charge car batteries let alone purify water. The only positive that could come from their agenda would be the silencing of their message. Without an energy source, their message couldn't be delivered. If they were forced to deliver their message door-to-door I suspect MANY of them would end up on a missing persons report. Now there's a thought.

Anonymous said...

I think it's fair to say that most of us are sensitive to what we do that affects the environment. However, people like Al Gore and these law suit manufacturing groups seem to spend their time dreaming up issues in order to perpetuate their own livelihoods at the expense of our economy and taxpayer dollars. No wonder they want politicians to raise taxes. Environmental conflict creation is a tremendous growth industry. YES, they've actually turned environmental conflict into a new industry. Protecting the environment is accidental to their real objectives. They prey on the resources of society like parasites. As a result, billions in public resources are wasted and the economy is dragged down because nothing is actually produced by their efforts. Having nothing else to do but think of issues to create, they sometimes find themselves competing with other environmental groups who have staked out the same territory. What will it take for Americans and taxpayers worldwide to recognize the parasitic nature of these organizations? What percentage of resources must they consume before we stop making public funds available to fund these parasites?

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