Gonzales Still Silent on Santa Fe Studios

Javier Gonzales
State Democratic Party Chairman Javier Gonzales has remained silent. He refuses to provide full disclosure of his personal financial involvement in a public-private venture known as "Santa Fe Studios." The public portion of the Santa Fe Studios deal included the receipt from public entities of free land, free water utility hookups, a $10 million grant (from the state of New Mexico) and a $6.5 million loan (from Santa Fe County) back in 2009. Nobody seems to know how much, if anything, was actually put into the deal by the partnership that included Javier Gonzales. The only comment we have seen from Gonzales on the structure of the deal is that he has since "detached" himself from it. "Detach" is not a particularly descriptive financial accounting term. Gonzales needs to provide full disclosure of his entry into and exit from a deal that was seeded by so much taxpayer money, land, and concessions. You can read the original story of a deal that still appears to stink to high heaven here: News New Mexico 


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