When the Obama administration put the delay game (kill switch) on the Keystone XL pipeline proposal that can create 20,000 new high paid jobs in America's heartland and a million barrels a day of politically secure fuel into Texas refineries almost immediately, it demonstrated that the president's feigned concern with jobs is a political charade. The radical environmentalists who seem to have the president's undivided attention would like to pretend they don't drive cars and burn fossil fuels to keep warm. They also would have us believe this idea of pipelines on the Ogallala Aquifer is a radical new step. Above and to the left is a diagram of just a single American company's pipelines in North America (
Kinder Morgan). There are many other pipeline companies and pipelines. Take particular note of all the red lines in the center of the map. It is in this allegedly "environmentally sensitive" area that the new Canadian pipeline will pass through. There are literally dozens of pipelines there already. What is not depicted on this map are the UNEMPLOYMENT lines in all of these same areas.
OMG! We Can't Have a Pipeline!
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