Why the Tea Party and Occupy movements can get along

From NM Politics.net - By - If I were to pick the ringleaders out of the local Occupy and Tea Party groups and buy them all lunch, they’d probably find that they have more in common than they know. It is nearly impossible for two people or two groups to come to any agreement if they aren’t speaking the same language. You have the OWS movement criticizing corporations, and the Tea Party defending them. Before moving on, we need to have a solid definition for the word. A corporation is a person-like legal entity that people can use as an intermediary when interacting with others for the purpose of organizing commonly owned property and limiting liability for actions taken by the company. Corporations aren’t just for Wall Street. This very website is run by a small corporate entity (Haussamen Publications, Inc.) and my firearms safety training business is a corporate-like entity (a limited liability company, or LLC). There are many mom-and-pop places that have chosen to take on a corporate structure of some sort to further their business goals. Read more


Anonymous said...

The "Occupy" movement is mostly a pro-Obama campaign group. Many claim to be protesting the Wall Street bailouts. However, they're opposed to holding President Obama accountable for bailing out Wall Street bankers. Beyond expressing discontent with their station in life,they have no discernible message. The one message they do articulate is favoring the re-election of Obama. Tea Party advocates are diametrically opposed to Obama's re-election. How can this be reconciled?

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