Remembering December 7, 1972 launch of Apollo 17

On December 7, 1972 in the first ever night launch, Apollo 17 lifted off from launch pad 39-A at the Kennedy Space Center on a 12 day mission to the moon. It was the final manned mission for the very large Saturn V rocket. This was a three day on the lunar surface mission that was the third time a Lunar Roving Vehicle was used. The mission set records for time on the moon's surface and time outside of the lunar capsule. New Mexico's Harrison "Jack" Schmitt (on right) was the Lunar Pilot and was the only non-military astronaut to go to the moon. He was a trained geologist and had worked with the other moon astronauts on geological issues. Before entering the Lunar Module for the last time Astronaut Gene Cernan said, "I'm on the surface; and, as I take man's last step from the surface, back home for some time to come, but we believe not too long into the future. I'd like to just say what I believe history will record. That America's challenge of today has forged man's destiny of tomorrow. And, as we leave the Moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return: with peace and hope for all mankind. Godspeed the crew of Apollo 17." We are NewsNM say, "Amen!"


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