Is America Really Free, If A Privately-Owned Central Bank Controls Our Currency And Runs Our Economy?

By Michael Synder in Business Insider - This weekend we celebrated America's Independence Day. But are we really a free nation? The truth is that it is really hard to argue that we are "free" when our currency system and our economy are run by an unelected privately-owned central bank. You see, the truth is that the U.S. government does not "print money" whenever it wants. Under the current system, in order to get more U.S. currency, the U.S. government has to borrow it. The Federal Reserve creates the new currency out of thin air and then either keeps the "U.S. Treasury bonds" they get in return from the U.S. government or they sell them off to others. But what kind of sense does that make? Why does a "free government" have to go into debt to print its own currency? It is the U.S. government that should be printing U.S. currency - not a privately-owned bank called the Federal Reserve. The truth is that the Federal Reserve is about as "federal" as Federal Express is. And no unelected private central bank should be "running" our economy. Actually the free market should be running our economy, but if anyone is going to run it, it should at least be the government that we have elected. But instead we have a group of unelected bureaucrats making our interest rate decisions, determining our money supply levels and deciding which of their friends get big bailouts. That isn't the American Dream! What kind of "democracy" and "freedom" is that? The sad truth is that as long as we allow an unelected privately-owned central bank to run our economy we will not be truly free. Read more:


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