Susana Martinez |
From the New Mexico Independent - Republican candidate for governor Susana Martinez has pledged to sell New Mexico’s state jet if elected—but she told The Independent she would not sell two other aircraft that cost almost as much to operate. One of those two planes is newer than the jet. In July, KRQE-TV investigative reporter Larry Barker’s reported that Lt. Gov. Diane Denish’s use of state aircraft cost $367,236. Barker also found that Denish had violated state cost-efficiency rules 39 times. Denish has said she wasn’t aware of such rules. She defended her use of the planes, telling The Independent that flying allows state officials to get out to rural New Mexico more quickly and more often. She also said selling the jet in today’s market would be a bad move.

“Susana Martinez will sell the five million dollar jet …the remainder of the state fleet will only be used in emergency situations or official state business that is a priority,” said Martinez Campaign Manager Ryan Cangiolosi said in an e-mail to The Independent. But Cangiolosi didn’t specify what state business would take “priority” for jet usage. Read more

Flying Around New Mexico
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