Star Parker |
Putting more and more wolves in charge of guarding the henhouse might characterize the big problems we’ve now created for ourselves. Government is growing. The private economy is shrinking. Those wielding political power see fewer and fewer problems they believe private citizens can solve on our own. Soon, each one of us will have our own personal guardian bureaucrat. The real difference between us and the hens is that the hens are not paying for the wolves’ salaries and benefits. This past week new rules governing our credit cards kicked in, following passage of the Credit Card Accountability and Responsibility Act, signed into law last year. The point of the CARD Act is to protect us consumers from the scheming bankers from whom we get our credit cards. As result of these new protections, consumers can be grateful that credit card interest rates are the only interest rates that are not now dropping. According to the Wall Street Journal, the average card interest rate is now 1.6% higher than last year and the gap between credit card rates and the prime lending interest rate is the highest it’s been in 22 years. Read more

Star Parker - Our Own Personal Guardian Bureaucrat
Once again here's Washington attempting to protect middle America and instead socks the little guy right in the eye. Middle America is ALWAYS the victim of unintended consequences of our blowhard, grand standing, clueless leadership in Washington D.C. How do these imbeciles get elected?
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