Dr. Alveda King: Beck Helped Honor God

Jillian Bandes
Dr. Alveda King
From Townhall by Jillian Bandes - MLK, Glenn Beck, and racism: these themes are still echoing long after the conclusion of Beck's monumental rally on the anniversary of King's "I Have A Dream" speech last month. Dr. Alveda King, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece, has been under fire for her participation in the event, with fault lines running not only from liberal critics but also from the black conservative Christian movement and in the conservative movement at large. Alveda King is both defensive and realistic about her involvement. Dr. Alveda King “The principles of faith, hope, charity, love, honor – we are taught to honor God, to honor our families – and love our neighbors… and I believe the message that Glenn delivered helped us do that,” she said in an interview. Read more here:


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