the Rio Grande Sun - An Española man allegedly took mushrooms Sunday and realized God gave him powers to run from the cops. But God must have missed the memo because Española officers Jose Martinez and Moises Peña ended up spraying 20-year-old Adrian Maes with pepper spray and charging him with felony aggravated fleeing of an officer and reckless driving. Those charges were joined by additional charges from State Police of reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident and driving under the influence, according to an online inmate database. Maes is being held on $8,000, or 10 percent, bond in Santa Fe County Jail, staff at Rio Arriba Magistrate Court said. State Police Capt. Daniel Lovato said he was not sure if a blood draw was taken from Maes. State Police officer Anthony Jaramillo brought the second set of charges from a 2:14 p.m. hit-and-run crash on State Road 76 near the Holy Cross Church, Lovato said. The problems began around 12:30 p.m., according to call logs. Martinez, in his probable cause statement, said he was patrolling Fairview Lane near the intersection with North Riverside Drive when he saw a gray Chevrolet Cavalier run a red light proceeding north. He tried to stop the vehicle, chasing it at speeds of 60 mph. His commander canceled the pursuit when they reached the city limits. Martinez turned around to drive back toward the city, but the driver of the Cavalier cut in front of him and drove south as well. The pursuit was canceled again. When Peña found the car blocking traffic and approached, Maes told Peña he had permission from God to run from the cops and he wanted Peña to chase him, call logs state. Peña didn’t, according to Martinez, and the car left. Lovato said the car then hit a van on State Road 76. He said the report was pending and he didn’t know if the driver of the other vehicle was hurt, but he said an ambulance did not take anyone to the hospital. Peña and Martinez located the car by Valley Drive and Riverside Drive, Martinez states. They pulled their cruisers in front of and behind Maes and tried to get Maes out of the vehicle. He resisted and they pepper-sprayed him.
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Magic Mushroom Ride Cut Short
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