Jeff Bingaman |
From the washingtonexaminer.com - Sen. Jeff Bingaman is being called our worst border security threat. Angry Dona Ana County residents have branded the New Mexico Democrat's Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks Wilderness Act as "Bingaman's Bandit Boulevard" for proposing a 50-mile-long safe haven for Mexican drug runners -- and worse. John Hummer, former chairman of the Greater Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce, reminded his community of the no-motorized-vehicle clause in wilderness laws. The Border Patrol can't patrol. Wilderness laws allow our own park and forest rangers to keep the cops out. That's supposed to protect nature, but ends up protecting drug cartels, illegal immigrants -- and terrorists. Steve Wilmeth, fifth-generation New Mexico rancher, told me that Bingaman's north-south strip and two mountain clusters don't worry him for the inevitable Mexican intruders, but for the OTMs -- Other Than Mexicans.

A U.S. Border Patrol document obtained by The Examiner shows the nationality and number of OTMs arrested last year. A few samples: Afghanistan (12); Indonesia (95); Iran (42); Iraq (42); Jordan (52); Saudi Arabia (6); Somalia (70); Yemen (22). Members of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers say they weren't smuggling drugs. Retired Border Patrol Officer Zack Taylor said Bingaman's wilderness boundary is just a stroll from violent Juarez and El Paso. Terrorists want terror, said Taylor -- unexpected targets with severed body parts and dead babies. A dozen relays of three sunburned hikers carrying big backpacks could trek unmolested up Bingaman's Boulevard, stockpiling materials to obliterate the balloon festival, the state Capitol, the Acoma Pueblo -- anything we treasure. More

Sen. Bingaman's Big Mistake
Please point out the clause in the Constitution that allows Congress any power to create wildreness areas. Or to even own land within stae borders. Or to exercise eminent domain.
I know you can't because they don't exist and all the ignorati have been falling for the government's claims of authority without verifying.
There is only one line in the sand that is valid concerning support for the Constitution. That line restricts the feds to exectly what was written. That line says the Courts have no authority to decide ANYTHING about the Constitution. That line says the President has about 10 explicit powers and that Congress is limited to about 25 powers, all written into the Constitution.
It is time We the People get off our backsides and stop the continued push to destroy the US.
This action by Bingaman has no legal authority. The feds have no authority to own any land within a state except for land purchased with the permission of the state legislature and used for needful buildings.
Read the Constitution. Learn the Constitution. There are no hidden clauses. There are no implied powers. There are no inherent powers. All those claims are lies.
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