A nice afternoon of football was severely tarnished by a blown officials call on the last play of the game in the 5-A state football semi-finals in Albuquerque yesterday. And of course in this digital age that we live in, a picture is worth tens of thousands of hours of hard work by a countless number of people. The referee (pictured at left) in the game winning touchdown photo, wound up providing a remarkable life lesson for the young men playing football for Las Cruces High School this season. The teachable moment came at Wilson Stadium in Albuquerque on the final play of the game. LCHS's Geoff Segovia (#41) had just caught a pass in the end zone to win the game. The official on this play, who had a perfect look at the catch, curiously refused to acknowledge what everyone else saw when he inexplicably ruled the the pass incomplete. The governing body for these events, (the New Mexico Activities Association) which goes to the trouble of marketing the streaming videos of these games, does not have a review process to correct the error. Viewers can actually watch the excruciating slow motion video of the touchdown catch on Youtube by clicking the following link:
And if you are a glutton for injustice, watch the body language of Segovia on this other video. He did not find it necessary to wait for confirmation. He simply bounced up and ran off the field jubilantly knowing his team had just won the game. It was a sad ending for the Las Cruces Bulldawgs season and a curious extension of the Manzano season. The state championship final will again to be played in Albuquerque at Wilson Stadium next weekend when Las Cruces Mayfield travels to the Duke City to take on Manzano. And what exactly is the valuable life lesson to be learned from this experience? The lesson is simple. Sometimes in life scores of people can work very hard for a long period of time only to see a system of government sneer at the use of technology and other tools that will lead to best practices. In the real world every single day, faceless unnamed bureaucrats, appointed to positions of incredible power, often for dubious reasons, take away what has been earned by one person or one group of people, and gives it to someone else.

As I have ofund after 6 decades of life on Earth, just about EVERYONE suffers from TWS. Now many think me crude for my remarks but this truism comes from observing many, many people from a myriad of positions, teacher, student, customer, businessman. Humans invariably exert their TWS over others. Because of the common human's lack of power, honor, integrity, humility, wisdom, etc, humans all too often use what little they have to force others to do what the "enforcer" wishes. It is all caused by TWS.
Just what is TWS. It is teeny weeny syndrome, a syndrome that has plagued mankind from the beginning of time and seems to be spreading like a rampant disease among people. No human will ever have the power that Yeshua has and yet no human will ever come close to behaving in the manner that Yeshua taught us to behave.
They WILL get straightened out.
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