Dancing in the End Zone

Jim Harbison
I read with great interest a recent editorial by Michael Hayes who wants to “dance in the end zone” and celebrate what he believes was a victory by Democrats to wrest control over the Las Cruces City Council from the “evil” Republicans. I don’t believe at any time, and certainly not in recent history, has the Las Cruces City Council had more than token republican representation let alone been controlled by Republicans. His argument was pretty shallow because the true battle for control over the local government for years has not been between Republicans and Democrats but actually between the moderate wing of the Democrat party and its extreme progressive-socialists.
Las Cruces City Hall
The progressive-socialist wing of the Democrat Party has won 17 of the last 18 City Council elections. Their major focus and success has been in unseating more moderate democrats like Dolores Archuleta, Gil Jones, or Jose Fritz than republicans. Going back in time the progressive dominance began with the influence of environmental activists from Albuquerque. It wasn’t long before the local progressive wing included two paid environmental lobbyists, Nathan Small and Jeff Steinborn, within their ranks. Both were subsequently elected locally to political offices. The progressive’s power has become so strong that moderate democrats are now afraid or unable to oppose them. Read rest of column here: News New Mexico



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