KOAT-TV ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- Legislature passed a law three years ago allowing producers to grow and sell marijuana for medical purposes, but this is an area where the two gubernatorial candidates vying in the upcoming Nov. 2 elections disagree. Fourteen states and Washington, D.C., that allow medical marijuana. New Mexico is among those states. However, the controversial issue is one that separates the gubernatorial candidates. "The difference between me and my opponent is that she says she would repeal that law. I come down on the people's side of that law," said Lt. Gov. Diane Denish. Denish said she has listened to hours of testimony. "For people in chronic pain or with terminal illnesses, it's very important for people with cancer, PTSD or other afflictions to have every possible means of alleviating pain," Denish said. Susana Martinez sent KOAT the following statement: "Susana Martinez does not support distributing marijuana for any purpose since it is in violation of federal law. As someone who lost her mother to cancer, Susana understands the need to provide effective pain treatments to those in need of care, but believes there are currently effective treatments available for patients that do not break the law."
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Candidates Share Differing Views On Medical Marijuana
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