Transparency for One - Transparency for All
Posted by
Jim Spence
on Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Spence Columns
It may not have created transparency, but the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision has leveled the playing field. Virtually unlimited amounts of money are still being used to influence all elections. On "Face the Nation" this weekend, after accusing the U.S. Chamber of Commerce of all sorts of vague improprieties (with no evidence to back up his charges), White House aide David Axelrod finally got to the real issue that is bugging: "Why not simply disclose where this money is coming from? And then all of these questions will be answered." We are all for transparency. In New Mexico many people are wondering....how much money got funneled to the Hispano Chamber of Las Cruces and where did it come from. The Hispano Chamber then used the anonymous funding source to pay for a huge political campaign in favor of a highly controversial "wilderness" designation of lands all over Dona Ana County.

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