Some refuse because they do not want to be branded. Others want to resist the conflicts of interest inherent in party politics. Still others are truly independent and chose to evaluate every candidate on an issue by issue basis.
The two major political parties in New Mexico have an answer to these types of citizens, those who refuse to join either “major” party. And their answer is this: “You will have NO say in the primary processes.”
Is it un-democratic to ban certain citizens from voting in the primary of their choice simply because they refuse to join a political party? Of course it is.
A second question comes to mind. What interests are served when voters are denied the right to vote in the primary of their choosing? The answer is simple. By squeezing all other potential competitors out of the election processes, it serves the polarized interests of BOTH partisan Democrats and partisan Republicans.
Don’t look for this rule to change anytime soon. Though it is regrettable that some citizens will be denied a voice tomorrow, there are some organizations that some people simply do not want to be associated with, no matter what the cost. And like everything else, true political independence has its price.