Investigation Shows Teachers' Fund Greatly Overpaid Retirees
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Monday, May 2, 2011
New Mexico News

Nearly 2,000 city vehicles issued red light camera tickets
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Nearly 2,000 city vehicles issued red light camera tickets
Fertility study targets region's wild horses
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Fertility study targets region's wild horses
Fate of LANL building rests in judge's hands
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Fate of LANL building rests in judge's hands
History conference to be held in Ruidoso
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

History conference to be held in Ruidoso
Grand jury meets May 12 in Murphy case
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Grand jury meets May 12 in Murphy case
Progressive: Justice Served but......bin Laden no Different Than Harry Truman
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Osama bin Laden |
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Harry Truman |
Progressive: Justice Served but......bin Laden no Different Than Harry Truman
Democrats Hispanic Problem
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Linda Chavez |
Democrats Hispanic Problem
Pearce Reflects on Bin Laden Announcement
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
NM Congressman Steve Pearce - Speaking to Veterans |
By U.S. Congressman Steve Pearce - Just arriving in DC from New Mexico at about 10:30 pm, I almost missed the announcement that bin Laden was dead. My Blackberry was buzzing with the news of the impending Presidential Message. I was frustrated, in the airport, waiting for my bag. I ran to the car, turned on the radio; the President had not yet spoken. The announcer said a small group was gathering at the White House chanting “USA.” I hurried there, arriving just as the President was speaking. One of the first to arrive, I parked half a block from the White House. People were running, skateboarding, jumping out of cabs, double parking. The streets were already electric with enthusiasm. The pulsing mass numbered about 500 people when I arrived. People chanting "USA, USA". Flags waving everywhere...the crowd swelled to thousands. Hugging, shaking hands. Cheers. The average age is 26 or so. The chants are fresh and edgy...the F-bomb abounds. Handmade signs announce the news with unmistakable enthusiasm: "Sama bin gotten" "Justice has been done" "F yea we got him" Jubilation. Freedom. Gratitude. The day of reckoning for our public enemy number one has arrived. A light pole in the middle of the crowd is an obvious target. People try to shimmy up it.
The crowd chants encouragement as they try, and groans in sympathy when they fail and slip back to the ground. Suddenly the crowd bursts into the National Anthem. A young man has reached the top of the pole and has draped a flag across the top. A human figure is climbing a tree by the fence dressed in a Spiderman American Flag costume. A young woman sits on the shoulders of a friend to see more. Others are doing the same all around me. The crowd erupts. A TV crew had arrived and turned on the camera to capture the emotions of the night. I snap a picture of a young man chugging a fifth of Jim Beam. A Capitol Hill staffer recognizes me as a Congressman. Word spreads quickly that someone from Congress is there. Spontaneous requests to make pictures with me. Young people come up to hug me and thank me for serving. Handshakes abound. One of the biggest hits in the crowd is Santa Clause with Blues Brothers shades. He recognizes the DFC pin on my blazer and pauses to say thanks for my service. The crowd is filled with vets.

Tonight, though, our nation was filled with renewed pride. For nearly a decade our men and women in uniform fought relentlessly for justice, for freedom, and for our way of life. That crowd didn’t care what color your skin is, who you worship, or who you voted for. Just like in the aftermath of that awful September morning, we were united as Americans. At 2:30 am I depart...others are walking wearily but contentedly away. Others, called by friends, have jumped out of bed are just arriving. I pull out of my prime parking spot...a car is waiting to slip into it. The night was a night of fervent thanksgiving for a nation that will remember its promise to bring to justice anyone who makes an unprovoked attack on our citizens. The celebration was the appropriate response of a grateful nation to so many who have given so much.
Pearce Reflects on Bin Laden Announcement
Balderas and Heinrich Nice.....For Now
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Martin Heinrich |
Capitol Report New Mexico - In their first public appearance together since announcing their runs for Jeff Bingman’s seat in the US Senate, Martin Heinrich and Hector Balderas played nice. Very nice.
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Hector Balderas |
There were no sharp elbows thrown as the two candidates delivered speeches at the Democrats’ statewide convention in Albuquerque on Saturday (April 30). In fact, state auditor Balderas was effusive in his praise of Heinrich, who is stepping down from his seat in the US House of Representatives to make a run for the Senate. “I look forward to a classy debate with our great Congressman, Martin Heinrich,” Balderas told delegates at the convention. He then asked the crowd to give Heinrich a warm round of applause. Just before Balderas took the podium, Heinrich gave his own 15-minute speech in which he said, “I’m sure we’ll have a respectful primary.” Read full story here: News New Mexico
Balderas and Heinrich Nice.....For Now
Martin Resendiz Will Oppose Steve Pearce
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Martin Resindiz |
Martin Resendiz Will Oppose Steve Pearce
Griego Will Run for U.S. House
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Eric Griego |
Griego Will Run for U.S. House
Gonzales Beats Bregman and Retains Chair
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Javier Gonzales |
Montoya 9 votes, Bregman 180 votes, Gonzales 192 votes - All three candidates gave fiery, partisan speeches before delegates cast their votes Saturday with Gonzales promising party loyalists that “We will outwork the radical right wing extremists in the Tea Party.” Read full story here: News New Mexico
Gonzales Beats Bregman and Retains Chair
Republicans and Democrats Divided on Lizard
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Capitol Report New Mexico - As the US Fish and Wildlife Service prepares for a public meeting in Roswell Thursday evening (April 28) over whether or not to grant the dunes sagebrush lizard protection under the Endangered Species Act, all of the Democrats in the New Mexico congressional delegation have refused to comment about what their stance is regarding the designation. But Gov. Susana Martinez’ office released a statement siding with the only Republican in the congressional delegation — Rep. Steve Pearce, who has forcefully come out against giving the lizard a federal endangered species listing. At the heart of the controversy is a fear among some people in New Mexico’s Oil Patch that expanding protections for the lizard would threaten oil and gas development in the southeast part of the state — although a number of conservationists say that’s not necessarily the case. (Click here for our original post on this story.)
Pearce has been outfront on this issue, repeatedly saying that “Most of the oil and gas jobs in southeast New Mexico are at risk.” But where do the other members of the New Mexico congressional delegation stand? Capitol Report New Mexico e-mailed the press secretaries of Sen. Tom Udall, Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Rep. Martin Heinrich and Rep. Ben Ray Luján – all Democrats — asking whether they favor placing the lizard on the federal endangered species list but none of them responded. However, Capitol Report New Mexico also e-mailed the office of Gov. Martinez and received this reply Tuesday: Governor Martinez supports common-sense conservation efforts that protect the dune lizard from being killed or harmed, but she opposes letting bureaucrats in Washington take the extreme step of declaring many of our natural resources off-limits for responsible development, which would cost New Mexico jobs. As a result, the governor will not support efforts to place the lizard on the federal endangered species list and will instead continue to support a balanced approach that protects our environment and allows for responsible economic development. Read full story here: News New Mexico

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Susana Martinez |
Republicans and Democrats Divided on Lizard
SBIC $9 Million in the Red
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Capitol Report New Mexico - Chances are you’ve never heard of the New Mexico Small Business Investment Corporation (SBIC). But back in 2001, the state legislature OK’d a plan that sends 1 percent of the Severance Tax Permanent Fund per year to the SBIC so that it can help small business create jobs in New Mexico, through micro-lending and equity programs for start-ups and Mom and Pop operations. Now 1 percent doesn’t sound like a whole lot but when you consider that the severance tax fund is run by the State Investment Council, which manages some $15 billion in assets, well, suddenly that 1 percent is not so measly. Read full story here: News New Mexico

SBIC $9 Million in the Red
Lizard Makes National News
Posted by
Jim Spence
Bloomberg - Frustration is swelling among residents and lawmakers in one of the most productive oil and natural gas basins in the nation, and it's all because federal wildlife managers have proposed endangered species protections for a small lizard. Dozens of lawsuits have been filed by environmentalists in recent years seeking to protect hundreds of species. Most get little attention as they work their way through the court system and through the offices of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Lizard Makes National News