“He had three boas of his own, one male and two females,” said Sharen Westhoff, an Animal Control officer. “(He) ended up with them in the same tank together, which created boa babies.” That is against permit laws. In Albuquerque, private citizens can’t sell boa constrictors.
A "for sale" sign stuck in the middle of the sidewalk was used to advertise the snake sale. They were sold at $70 per snake. Had all the snakes been sold, the owner would have made close to $2,000.
Animal Control found more "up for sale" signs among couches and collectibles on Craigslist. The person selling the snakes has yet to be caught. “Snakes of any variety can be incredibly dangerous,” said Westhoff. “They will bite, especially when feeling threatened.”
The snakes were confiscated and are at an aquarium. They are headed for a reptile rescue. More