State payroll shrinks by nearly 600 workers
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Sunday, March 20, 2011
New Mexico News

Strangley Mixed Impact of Teachers Union in NM
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
Labor Unions,
New Mexico News
From Burlington Free Press- In an article in the Yale Law Journal, Benjamin Lindy finds that collective bargaining had the effect of raising SAT scores and lowering graduation rates. The “results suggest,” he writes, “that mandatory collective bargaining shifts the focus of schools away from lower-performing students toward higher-performing ones.” Why might that be? His best guess is that higher-quality teachers used their transfer rights, under their contracts, to move into schools with higher-quality students, leaving the less-experienced, less successful teachers preponderantly in the schools with low-achieving students. Then in the years without collective bargaining, when transfer rights went out the window, better teachers were more likely to be assigned to the high-poverty, low-achieving schools. In other words, by Lindy’s reckoning, collective bargaining favored the high achievers and made matters worse for the low achievers. More News New Mexico

Strangley Mixed Impact of Teachers Union in NM
A Fitting End: Filibusters in Both Houses
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Capitol Report New Mexico - The 2011 New Mexico legislative session ended on a note of sound and fury signifying nothing as both the Senate and the House ended their final day of lawmaking with filibusters in the vain hope of getting selected bills to the floor. In the Senate, when Republicans learned that Senate majority leader Michael Sanchez (D-Belen) was not going to allow a bill near and dear to the heart of Gov. Susana Martinez – House Bills 21 and 100, aimed at ending ”social promotion” for elementary school kids who can’t read proficiently — to be heard, Sen. John Ryan (R-Albuquerque) stood up during debate of a bill backed by Democrat Peter Wirth and started talking. And talking. And talking. Read full story here: News New Mexico

A Fitting End: Filibusters in Both Houses
Capital Outlay Bill Among Others, Die
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Michael Sanchez |
In the Senate, Republicans John Ryan of Albuquerque and Rod Adair of Roswell hijacked a bill that would have amended the Fraud Against Taxpayer’s Act, talking about topics ranging from the various St. Piuses to the sounds Ryan made while he spoke because his mouth was dry.Their filibuster was an attempt to force Senate Majority Leader Michael Sanchez, D-Belen, to hear the social promotion bill, which was being pushed heavily by Gov. Susana Martinez. Sanchez didn’t back down, and after being on the Senate calendar for days, the bill died without a floor hearing. As the delays played out in the House and Senate, other lawmakers watched the death of bills they were hoping to pass. Read full story here: News New Mexico
Capital Outlay Bill Among Others, Die
Let's Play....."Find the War Mongers"
Posted by
Jim Spence
Spence Columns
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Once upon a time there were brutal nightclub bombings and other acts of state-sponsored terrorism going on in Europe. Many of these actions targeted Americans there. This aggression had to be stopped. A response was required.Was the response war mongering? Let's ask some of the partisans.
Once upon a time there was a horrific practice of systematic mass murder called “ethnic cleansing” in Bosnia. It was unrelenting genocide. The butchering had to be stopped. A response was required by civilization. Was the response war mongering? Maybe we should ask the partisans.
Once upon a time there was an attack on the World Trade Center towers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington. A fourth plane was downed in Pennsylvania by citizens on board because a response was required. Were their actions war mongering? When it became clear the masterminds of these mass murders were living in Afghanistan a response was required. Was the response war mongering? Let's ask the partisans.
Once upon a time there were mass murders of thousands of Kurdish people in Iraq. Poison gas was used on the citizens and the genocide was so widespread bodies were dumped into mass graves. Eventually the same perpetrator defied U.N. resolutions calling for weapons inspections to verify the absence of weapons of mass destruction. He had to be stopped. A response was required. Was the response war mongering? Let's ask the partisans.
In recent years two different U.S. Commanders in Chief acted on their plans for troop surges. One surge was in Iraq and the other was in Afghanistan. Were those responsible for ordering the implementation of these surge plans war mongers? Let's ask the partisans.

Let's Play....."Find the War Mongers"