Richardson has words of advice for governor-elect at their first meeting
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Tuesday, November 9, 2010
New Mexico News

Gary Johnson brings libertarian message to Texas
Posted by
Michael Swickard
National News

Gary Johnson brings libertarian message to Texas
Proposal aims to ease taxes for new ABQ businesses
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Proposal aims to ease taxes for new ABQ businesses
Barack Obama: We Must Embrace Globalism And The Emerging One World Economy
Posted by
Michael Swickard

"This will keep America on its toes. America is going to have to compete. There is going to be a tug-of-war within the US between those who see globalization as a threat and those who accept we live in a open integrated world, which has challenges and opportunities."
This is something that Barack Obama has obviously thought quite a bit about. In fact, during the same speech he warned that those supporting globalization will need to "guard against" those who would seek to put up barriers to the full integration of the economies of the world....
"If the American people feel that trade is just a one-way street where everybody is selling to the enormous US market but we can never sell what we make anywhere else, then the people of the US will start thinking that this is a bad deal for us and it could end up leading to a more protectionist instinct in both parties, not just among Democrats but also Republicans. So, that we have to guard against."
But in this new "global economy", aren't jobs leaving the United States and heading to developing nations at a blinding pace? Of course, but apparently we are just supposed to shut up and accept this new reality. In fact, Obama says that persistently high unemployment is "a new normal" that we are all just going to have to get used to. Virtually all of the proponents of globalism understand that the process of merging the United States into a one world economy will be at least somewhat painful for the American people. Our wages are going to have to go down and our standards of living are going to have to fall, according to them. Read more
Barack Obama: We Must Embrace Globalism And The Emerging One World Economy
How Do California and the Titanic Differ?
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Michael Swickard

How Do California and the Titanic Differ?
Sowell Column: Political Judges
Posted by
Michael Swickard

Whether these policies were good, bad or indifferent, the way they were imposed represented a more fundamental threat to the very principles of a self-governing people established by the Constitution of the United States. Arrogant politicians who do this are dismantling the Constitution piecemeal-- which is to say, they are dismantling America. The voters struck back, as they had to, if we are to keep the freedoms that define this country. The Constitution cannot protect us unless we protect the Constitution, by getting rid of those who circumvent it or disregard it. The same thing applies to judges. The runaway arrogance that politicians get when they have huge majorities in Congress is a more or less common arrogance among federal judges with lifetime tenure or state judges who are seldom defeated in elections to confirm their appointments to the bench. It was a surprise to many-- and a shock to media liberals-- when three judges on Iowa's Supreme Court were voted off that court in the same recent elections in which a lot of politicians were also sent packing. These judges had taken it upon themselves to rule that the voters of Iowa did not have the right to block attempts to change the definition of marriage to include homosexual couples. Here again, the particular issue-- so-called "gay marriage"-- was not as fundamental as the question of depriving the voting public of their right to decide what kinds of laws they want to live under. If they are going to act like politicians, then they should be voted out like politicians. Read more
Sowell Column: Political Judges
The Grey-Haired Brigade
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Michael Swickard

The Grey-Haired Brigade
Armed Security Guards At All 36 Unemployment Offices In Indiana State: Why Is This Happening?
Posted by
Michael Swickard
National News

Armed Security Guards At All 36 Unemployment Offices In Indiana State: Why Is This Happening?
Andy Nunez Calls for Lujan's Ouster
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Andy Nunez |
Andy Nunez Calls for Lujan's Ouster
York: New GOP and Obama Headed for Showdown
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Byron York |
York: New GOP and Obama Headed for Showdown
Seven Excuses for Shellacking
Posted by
Jim Spence
From Townhall.com by John Hawkins -
"Mm, your tears are so yummy and sweet! Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness! My-yummy!" -- Cartman, South Park Admittedly, it has been a lot of fun to watch the wailing and gnashing of teeth on the Left after the savage beating they received on election day. However, it's more than a little disturbing that almost no one on the Left seems to think they lost because they actually did a bad job. In other words, according to liberals: Obamacare, the failure of the stimulus, Obama bowing to foreign leaders, the way they handled the BP oil spill, trying to close Guantanamo, not reading bills before they passed them, cash for clunkers, talking up amnesty, trying to pass card check and cap and trade, taking over student loans, refusing to seriously address the problems at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, taking over GM and Chrysler, doing nothing to stop Iran from gaining nuclear weapons, dropping the Black Panther intimidation case, expanding the bailouts and raising spending up to frightening levels had nothing whatsoever to do with why they lost. Read here:

Seven Excuses for Shellacking
New Mexico Born Terrorist Urges Holy War
Posted by
Jim Spence
International News
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Anwar al-Awlaki |
New Mexico Born Terrorist Urges Holy War
Lujan: Unaware of Any Pending Challenge
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Ben Lujan |
Lujan: Unaware of Any Pending Challenge
Bernanke Critics Mushrooming
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Larry Kudlow |
From Townhall.com - The great Bernanke QE2 debate continues to heat up. In the run-up to the G-20 meetings, China, Russia, Germany, and others are all coming out against the Federal Reserve’s quantitative-easing agenda. They don’t want hot-money excess dollars to flow into their higher-yielding currencies. The assault against Bernanke’s easy money has reached such fever that President Obama felt it necessary to defend the $600 billion in new-money printing in a news conference in India. Meanwhile, World Bank president Robert Zoellick has actually called for putting gold back into global money, in order to use it as an international reference point to measure market expectations over inflation or deflation. The former Treasury and State Department official wants a successor to Bretton Woods. To my way of thinking, Zoellick is dead-on right. And then there’s Kevin Warsh’s opus op-ed in Monday’s Wall Street Journal. I have written about Warsh in the past, and his sound-thinking views. Taking a bit of a shot at Bernanke’s QE2, the Fed board member basically says: Look, you want better growth, reform the tax code and stop regulating. “The Federal Reserve is not a repair shop for broken fiscal, trade, or regulatory policies,” he writes. Read here:
Bernanke Critics Mushrooming
Progressive Rothschild: Ripping Rand Paul
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Matthew Rothschild |
From Progressive.org - Kentucky’s newly minted Senator is not ready to play nice. Appearing on “This Week” with Christiane Amanpour on Sunday, Paul boasted that the tea partiers have will not be coopted by the Republican Party but vice versa. “The tea party is coopting Washington,” he said. “We’re proud, we’re strong, we’re loud, and we’re going to coopt. And in fact, I think we’re already shaping the debate.” He’s shaping it in such an ugly way, too. Paul says he favors cutting the number of federal employees by 10 percent, and then slashing the salaries of those who remain by 10 percent. This is economic folly. We’re facing a huge gap of purchasing power in the country right now, and he intends to widen that gap by decimating the purchasing power of almost three million people.

Progressive Rothschild: Ripping Rand Paul
Jemez Try to Revive Casino Proposal
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
From the El Paso Times - ANTHONY, N.M. -- The U.S. government is taking a second look at a proposal by the Jemez Pueblo Indian Tribe to open a $72 million resort casino -- an action that is worrying some and exciting others in this community of 7,900. The Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Department of the Interior said they are reconsidering the application the tribe submitted to build the 48,000-square-foot casino on 100 acres near Interstate 10 about 20 miles north of El Paso. The casino, if opened, would be a significant boost to the economy and create 950 jobs, according to tribal officials. That possibility has some people saying the good times are on the way. Read here:

Jemez Try to Revive Casino Proposal
WSJ: California is the Lindsay Lohan of States
Posted by
Jim Spence
U.S. Politics

WSJ: California is the Lindsay Lohan of States
Independent Laments Rise of Climate Skeptics
Posted by
Jim Spence
From the New Mexico Independent - The midterm elections brought an unprecedented number of climate skeptics into Congress, with no incoming Republicans acknowledging the existence of man-made climate change. Environmentalists have all but given up on passing significant climate legislation in the near future, but in the long term, it may be difficult for climate skeptics to hold their ranks: Young Americans are significantly more concerned about global warming than older generations, and there are no major organizations of young climate skeptics. This raises the question: What will come of climate skeptics as young people begin to rise to positions of power? Read here:

Independent Laments Rise of Climate Skeptics