Jim Harbison |
Conservatives cannot sit back on their laurels now that the elections are over. Politicians traditionally make all kinds of promises to get elected and this past election was no different. Unfortunately, as soon as they get elected they either forget or abandon, their promises to pursue their Party’s agenda or their own. They become so enamored with their own power that they begin to believe that their personal beliefs mirror those of the electorate and often forsake those who elected them. The TEA Party movement played a significant role in shaping not only the composition of Congress and the State Legislature but their agendas as well. This highly vocal and politically active group plans to hold the newly elected officeholders at all levels accountable. They will be monitoring the activities of all elected officials, new and old, irrespective of Party affiliation.

TEA Party members will be tracking legislative actions against their political promises. Liberal members of these elected bodies will also be monitored. Those that want to increase the size of the government, erode our Constitutional rights, nationalize private businesses, and continue the spending that increases the national debt will be targeted for defeat in the next election cycle. No one person can tract the activities of all the elected officials nor should they try. A more sensible and realistic approach, using military terminology, is to “divide and conquer” all those who oppose our Constitution and our capitalistic economic system. This type of strategy will enable many people to individually track a single issue, organization, or elected or appointed government official and report back to the larger political action group. There are sufficient conservatives and TEA Party members willing to pursue this strategy. There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind about the influence of the TEA Party and politicians across the entire political spectrum should be cognizant of it. The 2011 local elections afford conservatives an opportunity to significantly change the direction of the City Council. There will be three City Councilors (Silva, Small, Connor) and the Mayor up for re-election. It is time for us to elect individuals that want to preserve the culture, history and traditions of Las Cruces, encourage job growth, and insist on improved financial stewardship of our tax dollars. Those who continue to advocate more government, social and economic programs (means taxpayer funded) will be shown the exit door in November.

“We the People” will no longer allow our elected officials “who know better than us” to create policies that infringe on our individual rights or govern without our input and consent.
The TEA Parties throughout the State of New Mexico are organizing a rally to coincide with the opening session of the State legislature on January 18th. Their intent is to inform the legislators, new and old and all parties, that there is a major political force that will hold them accountable and demand fiscal responsibility be returned to the State of New Mexico and the National government as well. I would encourage conservatives and TEA party members to participate and remind our representatives that they were elected to protect and serve us.
While our government isn’t perfect, most of us believe it is the best in the world and that it only requires an occasional “tweaking” and not the massive changes advocated by the current administration. If you do not support the total transformation of America or our well proven economic system get involved and work to insure your elected official works to preserve and maintain the unique form of government that makes so many people around the world want to become Americans.

Harbison: We the People