Gas company explains cause of shortage
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Thursday, February 3, 2011
New Mexico News

Swickard Commentary - The answer is government. What is the question?
Posted by
Michael Swickard
Swickard Columns

“Every government is a parliament of whores. The trouble is, in a democracy, the whores are us.” – P.J. O’Rourke
The mantra for the last half of the 20th century: The answer is government. Few of us were alive back when that was not so. Our government attempts to be all things to all people in all ways and at all times. This is what many people want to hear: The answer is government. The notion is that our government knows what it is doing economically when it borrows money from China so it can send some of the borrowed money back to China as foreign aid. Does it make any sense that about half of everything being spent by the national government is borrowed with no plan to pay any of it back? Who has no plan whatsoever to ever pay back the borrowed money? The answer is government. Read more
Swickard Commentary - The answer is government. What is the question?
On This Day In New Mexico History -
Posted by
Michael Swickard

On This Day In New Mexico History -
Martinez Declares State of Emergency
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Newnm note (Spence) Amazingly record cold temperatures hit the state as global energy advocates continue to demand rules that will crimp energy supplies. It is House Energy Committee Chair Brian Egolf who needs to turn down his thermostat while he reads this emergency declaration, rather than those with sense enough to understand the fundamental importance of having access to energy. SANTA FE – Governor Susana Martinez announced today that she has signed two Executive Orders in response to extreme cold weather and natural gas outages across the state and outlined a few steps that New Mexicans can take to help in the response to current situations. The Governor has declared a State of Emergency in New Mexico and has also suspended regulations on the number of hours that propane suppliers may drive in order to more rapidly move liquid petroleum gas into and across the state.

Martinez Declares State of Emergency
Senator Griego Calls for Film Subsidy Study
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Eric Griego |
Santa Fe, NM- With more than eleven thousand New Mexicans drawing a paycheck either directly or indirectly from the film industry, lawmakers feel more study must be done before the State's Film Tax Credits are abandoned. San Jose Senator, Phil A. Griego (D-Los Alamos, Mora, Sandoval, San Miguel, Santa Fe, Taos-39) just introduced a proposal to look at the impact the state's Film Tax Credit has on New Mexico workers. Senate Joint Memorial 15 asks the New Mexico Legislative Council to appoint an interim Film Investment Committee to review and analyze the state's Film Tax Credit. The Committee will look at the advantages and disadvantages and recommend legislation for any policy changes. "Let's hold off before we do anything and really study the issue, said Sen. Griego, "then make a determination, number one, whether 25 percent is too much and we have to go back to 15 percent."

The Film Industry has helped the state's construction industry, said Sen. Griego, hiring people to build and take down sets, as well as electrical, plumbing guys. I think what we're going to find is that this film credit has had a very positive effect on New Mexico," said Griego. Senator Griego also says we also have to consider schools including both community colleges and charter schools that have created curricula to train people as producers, directors, and stage crafts workers. "I think we need to work with the industry to come up with a plan to as to how to continue film work in the state flowing, that is not only going to satisfy the state but satisfy the industry." The Senator said states across the country are pulling back on their film credit programs because of the economy, but what we want to do, is we want to lead the pack in attracting the film industry and then make a determination as to where we've got to go."
Senator Griego Calls for Film Subsidy Study
Sustainable Growth Part 2 of 3
Posted by
Jim Spence
Guest Columns
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Jim Harbison |
This editorial is based on an article from the American Policy Center. ---Sustainable Development calls for changing the very infrastructure of the nation, away from private ownership and control of property through central planning of the entire economy. Truly, it is designed to change our entire way of life. It is a form of wealth redistribution and those who subscribe to this philosophy are known as Sustainablists. Social justice is a major premise of Sustainable Development and is the process by which America is being reorganized around a central principle of state collectivism using the environment as the “driver.”

Sustainable Growth Part 2 of 3
Hamilton Introduces Voter I.D. Bill
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Dianne Hamilton |

Hamilton Introduces Voter I.D. Bill
NMPolitics.net: Martinez Undecided on Anthony Casino
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
NMPolitics.net - Gov. Susana Martinez says she’s skeptical of a proposal to build an off-reservation casino in Anthony, but that doesn’t mean she’s decided to oppose it. “I’m not convinced that it’s the best thing to do right now, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be convinced,” Martinez told NMPolitics.net on Tuesday. NMPolitics.net requested the interview to seek clarification on Martinez’s stance. That’s because she was quoted by the Las Cruces Sun-News as saying she doesn’t support the casino proposal but is hoping the federal government will make the decision on whether to allow it. Read full story here:

NMPolitics.net: Martinez Undecided on Anthony Casino
Better Late Than NEVER, Does Jeff Bingaman Finally Get It On Nuclear Energy?
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Capitol Report New Mexico - Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-New Mexico) has scored some points from opposite ends of the policial spectrum this week by coming out in favor of including nuclear power as part of “clean energy technologies. Bingaman, who is chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said in a speech Monday (Jan. 31) that he supports President Obama’s call for the US to produce 80 of its electricity from sources such as wind, solar, “clean” coal and nuclear energy by 2035. That’s welcome news to the White House and led to Bingaman meeting personally with the president Wednesday (Feb. 2) but Bingaman’s announcement has also been applauded by Republican members of the New Mexico statehouse delegation, who have long called for expanding nuclear energy technology.

Better Late Than NEVER, Does Jeff Bingaman Finally Get It On Nuclear Energy?
Have Anti-Coal and Anti Nuclear Energy Polices Resulted in Rolling Blackouts That Threaten Lives?
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Las Cruces Sun-News - LAS CRUCES - After a day of record-cold weather, a layer of snowfall that has since turned slushy and a series of rolling power outages attributed to a demand overload, you're probably wondering what's next. Do your kids have school today? Can you expect city offices to be open for business? Are road closures planned? El Paso Electric Co. officials appealed Wednesday afternoon to schools and local governments, asking them to remain closed today to help relieve an expected electricity shortage, thanks to cold weather that was likely to continue. Following the appeal, several entities announced decisions to extend their closures through today.

Have Anti-Coal and Anti Nuclear Energy Polices Resulted in Rolling Blackouts That Threaten Lives?