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Anita Tallarico - Deputy Secretary of New Mexico Homeland Security |
NM Homeland Security official caught with gun at Sunport
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Tuesday, September 18, 2012
NewsNM:Swickard - a gotcha moment of no consequence since she is both a conceal carry trained person and is part of law enforcement. From KOB-TV.com - By: Jill Galus, KOB Eyewitness News 4 - TSA agents at Albuquerque's Sunport caught a traveler trying to get through security with a loaded gun. According to a police report, the traveler was Anita Tallarico, the Deputy Secretary of the State's Department of Homeland Security. "She did not use her position as a quest to get out of something that occurred," said Sunport Police Chief Marshall Katz. Tallarico told TSA agents she simply forgot the gun was inside her purse, Katz said. "People in general, unfortunately, unnecessarily, bring a gun to the checkpoint and they shouldn't - positions and non-positions," Katz said. It is a common explanation when it comes to travelers caught with prohibited items, he explained. "I forgot, I didn't realize it was there, I should know better." In this case, when asked if Tallarico should have known better, Katz said he could not provide a comment "because I don't know what she was thinking." Tallarico does have a concealed carry permit, as does Governor Susana Martinez, whose spokesperson issued KOB Eyewitness News 4 this written statement: "This is a serious issue and something that anyone with a concealed carry permit has to be especially careful of." A spokesperson for the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security, where Tallarico is second in command, confirmed her claim that this was an unintentional mistake. KOB received this written statement: "The oversight was not known to Ms. Tallarico until airport security discovered it. The secretary of DHSEM is aware of the situation and the department is currently conducting a review of all the facts." Tallarico was cooperative with security officers and like any other citizen, was cited for unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon, Katz said. Tallarico's gun was taken as evidence. Read more
What's the safest 4-digit PIN? Not 8068 -- anymore
Posted by
Michael Swickard
From MSNBC.com - The safest 4-digit PIN is '8068' — or at least it was, until researchers at Data Genetics told everyone this week. The researchers there went through a set of 3.4 million four-digit personal identification numbers and found "8068" came up only 25 times. But now that this news is out, that's probably a PIN to stay away from. As Softpedia pointed out, would-be thieves may start trying that combination right after they hit "1234" ― the most common PIN, with nearly 11 percent frequency. While not as common as 1234, there are several numbers that people seem drawn toward. For instance, PINs starting in "19" are common because people like to link their identification numbers with a significant year. In fact, all PINs that start in 19 fall into the top fifth of the dataset. The top 20 includes all the series in which the first number is repeated throughout (such as 3333) plus 4321, 1212 and 2001. The study also found that many PINs are based on visual clues. Coming in at No. 22 is 2580 ― the numbers that run down the middle of a phone or ATM keypad. Based on this report, more than10 percent of all bank accounts can be hacked with one guess. Beyond that, one-third of all PINs are made up of just 61 variations. Read more

What's the safest 4-digit PIN? Not 8068 -- anymore
NM regulators consider PNM solar proposal
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Vanessa Dabovich
NM regulators consider PNM solar proposal
Looking In: Stealing private correspondence is wrong, on both sides of aisle
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Dennis Kintigh |
Looking In: Stealing private correspondence is wrong, on both sides of aisle
NM officials expand chronic wasting control areas
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich

The areas where hunters have to abide by special rules for handling and transporting animal carcasses have been expanded due to chronic wasting disease in deer and elk in southern New Mexico. The state Game and Fish Department made the announcement Monday. The agency says all of game management units 34, 28 and 19 have been designed as control areas. Those include Fort Bliss and White Sands ranges. Under the department's rules, hunters can transport only certain portions of an animal carcass from a control area. That includes cut and wrapped meat, hides and clean skull plates with antlers attached, but no parts of the spinal column or head. Chronic wasting disease is a fatal neurological disease. It attacks the brains of infected animals, causing them to become emaciated, behave abnormally and eventually die.
NM officials expand chronic wasting control areas
Parents say coach ordered kids to campaign
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich
Parents say coach ordered kids to campaign
Pat Garrett's hearse on display in Las Cruces
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich

"It was simply misplaced at its former location in Grant County," said Traylor, whose research concluded the Women's Improvement Association sold the hearse to local farmer Hal Cox, who converted it to a farm trailer until selling it to Grant County resident and antique collector Frank Tatsch in 1935. Tatsch later restored the hearse to its original condition and placed in the Piños Altos museum. After Tatsch's death, the hearse was willed to his son, who sold the hearse to Traylor. "Unfortunately, that museum was hard to find and rarely open," said Traylor. "This is a rare piece of local history, and it was important that it not only be returned to Doña Ana County, but also made accessible to anyone who would like to see it." The popularity of Western history, and Garrett's affiliation with Doña Ana County, was of particular interest to Traylor. He contacted the sheriff's office and was connected with Jim Beasley, a retired deputy of the department and curator of the lawman's museum...
Pat Garrett's hearse on display in Las Cruces
Gardner apologizes following leaked audio
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich
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Keith Gardner |
Gardner apologizes following leaked audio
State provides online access to LANL data
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich

State provides online access to LANL data
NM to consider allowing concealed handguns in state parks
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich
A state agency is proposing to allow people licensed to carry a concealed handgun to bring their loaded weapons into a New Mexico state park. That's among several administrative rule changes proposed by the State Parks Division. Other proposals require life jackets for those using paddleboards. A public hearing on the proposals is scheduled Oct. 17 in Santa Fe at the Wendell Chino Building. Loaded concealed weapons currently are prohibited in state parks by an agency regulation. A Parks Division official says the proposed change will bring regulations into compliance with New Mexico law allowing people with permits to carry concealed handguns except in certain places such as courts, schools and bars. Since 2010, national parks have allowed visitors with a valid state permit to carry a concealed handgun.
NM to consider allowing concealed handguns in state parks
State proposes revamp waste permit for Sandia Labs
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich

State proposes revamp waste permit for Sandia Labs
ABQ council works to cut back zoo admission
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich

ABQ council works to cut back zoo admission