Gun Free Zone signs say to some
people that No One Can Shoot Back. Telling people of evil intent or mental
illness that our military and school children have no means of defense is
insane. It makes them targets while also not giving them a defense.
The danger of attack in our society
comes from two major groups: people of evil intent and people who are mentally
ill. Our society is caught in a dilemma. We have plenty of laws against people
taking guns to certain places. But they are just words and not actions. People
prohibited from having guns get them anyway.
We are told if all guns were banned in
America there would be no guns on the street. That is beyond stupid. The reason
five military servicemen were killed a week ago was they and everyone around
them followed the law while the perpetrator did not.
Remember that we made drugs illegal
and yet illegal drugs are easily obtainable in every community. We arrest and incarcerate
drug violators all of the time and still the drugs flood our towns. Having laws
against guns does not and will not stop their use by criminals and people with mental
The only way to stop a person with a
gun and murderous intent is someone else with a gun who will defend the
defenseless. George Orwell wrote, "People sleep peaceably in their beds at
night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
We cannot reason with people of evil
intent or mental illness, we must respond to force with force. The police
cannot ever respond to violent attacks on our population in time to prevent them.
They can end the carnage but precious minutes go by as they travel to the area
where people are being attacked. The only logical answer is that some of the
people be able to respond instantly.
Now I do not want to see lots of
open carry firearms because that means that the person who intends to defend
the defenseless is apparent to someone of evil intent. Rather, I like conceal
carry and making sure that someone coming to military facilities, public schools
or churches does not know who may be packing.
The defenders of Congress, the
Supreme Court and the President of the United States work very hard at not
disclosing their strategy for defense. It is multi-layered and robust. The
primary defense of these people is between the ears and not in the hands.
Let me ask you: is the President
that much more important than a class of first graders in your local elementary
school? Both the President and the innocent children deserve our best defense.
But defending children has been hijacked by political operatives who wish to
impose gun control on the population as a whole. They unintentionally sponsor domestic
terrorism in our public schools by taking away all semblance of defense.
Yes, the police can come within
fifteen minutes and take a report but the need is for people to be armed and
ready every second. Most of those armed and ready people will never be called
upon because people of evil intent avoid places where those people will shoot
That leaves the mentally ill who
have watched hour after hour of coverage when someone shoots up a military facility
or a public school. They may attack regardless of if there is a defense. Then
the defense need to work and work very effectively.
Our safety really does rest between
the ears of our leaders. Only they can remove the Gun Free Zones and replace
them with effective defensives.