If it says New Mexico chile, it better be
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Monday, February 21, 2011
New Mexico News

Kober: Good Relationships - Bad Governments
Posted by
Michael Swickard

Kober: Good Relationships - Bad Governments
Two Revolutions
Posted by
Jim Spence
Spence Columns
In a comical, almost simplistic way most domestic mainstream news services have attempted to link activities in the Muslim world with the events in Madison, Wisconsin. Let’s see if we can make a connection. The Muslim world is coming quickly to a crossroad with itself. The level of education and awareness when it comes to the concepts associated with liberty is sorely lacking all over the globe.
And in the Muslim world, citizens who are actually aware of what it means to form a Democratic Republic represent a tiny sliver of the population. Still, events are now rapidly propelling the Muslim world to a moment of truth. On one side of the spectrum is a small sliver of educated Muslim moderates who simply want to prosper and live in peace. On the other side of the spectrum are opportunist Muslim radicals who care little about peace. These types are anxious because they realize their opportunity to form Islamic Republics all over the Muslim world is finally at hand. In country after country in the Middle East these two separate and distinct factions are poised to face off against each other. Assuming dictatorships continue to fall from power in Muslim countries, one of these two factions will eventually gain the upper hand in the fight to fill the power vacuum. Stay tuned.
In Wisconsin, the public unions that lost so badly in the November 2010 elections are resorting to tactics more in tune with a desperate attempt to protect an extortion racket rather than an effort to preserve collective bargaining. History tells the story. Long ago confrontational labor unions bankrupted industry after industry in the U.S. by taking their employers and their customers hostages. And one by one entire industries that caved in to demands for idiotic work rules and unrealistic wage and benefit packages went bankrupt. The golden goose was killed in favor of an ever-escalating list of “demands.” Eventually ambitious labor bosses realized that the deepest pockets left in the American economic system were not businesses that had to compete for customers. Accordingly they targeted governments where elected officials could become their strategic partners in negotiations with taxpayers. Read rest of column here: News New Mexico

In Wisconsin, the public unions that lost so badly in the November 2010 elections are resorting to tactics more in tune with a desperate attempt to protect an extortion racket rather than an effort to preserve collective bargaining. History tells the story. Long ago confrontational labor unions bankrupted industry after industry in the U.S. by taking their employers and their customers hostages. And one by one entire industries that caved in to demands for idiotic work rules and unrealistic wage and benefit packages went bankrupt. The golden goose was killed in favor of an ever-escalating list of “demands.” Eventually ambitious labor bosses realized that the deepest pockets left in the American economic system were not businesses that had to compete for customers. Accordingly they targeted governments where elected officials could become their strategic partners in negotiations with taxpayers. Read rest of column here: News New Mexico
Two Revolutions