Senator Jeff Bingaman |
Senator Tom Udall |
No piece of legislation has ever been more deceivingly named or more dangerous to the fundamental security and safety concerns of the citizens of Dona Ana County. According to Alonzo R. Peña, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement deputy assistant secretary for operations, the Mexican drug cartels now want to dominate society. "We believe it (the violence) is going to continue to climb," said Pena. "What the cartels are doing is no different than what we are seeing in other parts of world. It is barbaric and extreme, and it will continue." Apparently the violence might be allowed to spill into our area soon.
Arned Drug Cartel Members |
U.S. Senate Bill S.1689 -- Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks Wilderness Act which was inexplicably backed by both New Mexico Senators, Jeff Bingaman and Tom Udall (over the voiciferous objections of many local residents), contains such onerous impediments to the U.S. Border Patrol, it will have the effect of moving our southern county border with Mexico much farther to the north and much closer to Las Cruces. Effectively what is disguised as a wilderness protection measure will provide free and undeterred passage routes for armed drug runners and armed human smugglers into our county. You can contact Senator Jeff Bingaman by email: bingaman.senate.gov or by phone # (202) 224-5521. You can contact Senator Tom Udall by email: tomudall.senate.gov or by phone # (202) 224-6621. Read the text of the legislation

INSANITY: Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks Wilderness