Obama: Ahmadinejad "Offensive" and "Hateful"
Posted by
Jim Spence
on Friday, September 24, 2010
International News
President Barack Obama called Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s remarks at the United Nations yesterday “offensive” and “hateful.” In his first comments on the Iranian leader’s statement that the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks may have been orchestrated to bolster the U.S. economy and “save the Zionist regime,” Obama told BBC Persian that “for him to make a statement like that was inexcusable.” “It was offensive, it was hateful,” Obama said, according to an excerpt of the interview released by the White House. U.S. and European diplomats walked out of the UN General Assembly hall yesterday when Ahmadinejad delivered his remarks on the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and the Pentagon near Washington. Envoys representing Australia, Canada, Costa Rica and New Zealand also left the speech. The interview with BBC Persian is part of the president’s attempt to communicate directly with the Iranian people as the U.S. and other nations increase pressure on Ahmadinejad’s government to comply with UN demands that it halt uranium enrichment. Read more here:
Ahmadinejad Talks - Truthers Cheer
Posted by
Jim Spence
International News
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Mahmoud Ahmadinehad |
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Truther Van Jones |
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Truther Charlie Sheen |
Ahmadinejad Talks - Truthers Cheer
Thomas Sowell - Penny-Wise on Crime
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Thomas Sowell |
For more than 200 years, the political left has been coming up with reasons why criminals should not be punished as much, or at all. The latest gambit in Missouri is providing judges with the costs of incarcerating the criminals they sentence. According to the New York Times, "a three-year prison sentence would run more than $37,000 while probation would cost $6,770." For a more serious crime, where a 5-year imprisonment would cost more than $50,000, it would cost less than $9,000 for what is described as "five years of intensive probation." Read more here:
Thomas Sowell - Penny-Wise on Crime
Linda Chavez - Gerrymandering?
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Linda Chavez |
Linda Chavez - Gerrymandering?
Politics and Education
Posted by
Jim Spence
Hanson Columns
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Del Hanson |
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Diane Denish |
Solutions for the questions which confront education in New Mexico do not lie with politicians. Sadly, they are the only ones who have the power to make the needed changes. So who should they be talking to? Who, if anyone, has the answers?
Let me first list the persons who most assuredly do not have the answers: 1. think tanks of any size and any political persuasion, 2. Arne Duncan, 3. any state department of education, 4. school superintendents or their associates, 5. nationally syndicated talk show hosts, 6. the union, 7. university colleges of education, and 8. anyone running for political office. Who then might that leave to help us understand the problems endemic to education? Let me pose this question first: who might you ask if you needed to determine why patients were developing severe reactions to medicines given to them after a particular kind of surgery? Hospital administrators? How about night custodians? Maybe afternoon talk show hosts? What about aspiring gubernatorial candidates? I would hope and pray one would ask doctors. Now, I pose the question again: Who might we ask about questions pertaining to public education? Perhaps, just maybe, we might ask teachers. I know it cuts across the grain of all common sense and intelligence, but just possibly teachers would have insight grounded in reality. We not only do not ask them, but we shun their input, lest it might be tainted with the residue of poor standardized test performance. Instead, before we ask teachers, we consult numbers one through eight listed previously.
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Susana Martinez |
My advice to governor of New Mexico hopefuls Martinez and Denish? Convene working committees of teachers to assist them in defining, pinpointing, and synthesizing concerns and problems within the system which diminish their ability to teach students. The fear of the right is that the unions will have undue influence. The fear of the left is that the unions won’t have enough influence. The only true insight into the problems and solutions particular to public education lies with the practitioners--the teachers. Use them and quote them. Somewhere and somehow over the past eight years or so teachers have been the labeled the culprits in the demise of public education. The profession has certainly been dealt a mighty blow, if not lethal. If a kid is not at or above average, much of public perception is that it must be the teacher’s fault. Some of that blame most assuredly lies with her, but an equal responsibility must lie with parents, and, heaven forbid, the child himself. In the disaster and folly of the new century, No Child Left Behind assigns sole culpability in non-achievement to schools and teachers.

Who will decide who advances to the next grade? ?A test? Yet another expletive deleted test? What appeal process will be in place to ensure due process? Who will pay for the litigation of court cases when a student is denied grade placement? What if the student is held back four consecutive years? Will we create parallel schools in which to house them, or will we have 15 year olds in fifth grade in the same school with first graders? Does the Martinez camp realize that, due to the Draconian punishment meted out by NCLB sanctions, current law puts incredible pressure on districts to graduate every warm body in the senior class? I would guess neither of those concerns have been addressed, but the sound byte is sweet
to the ears of those whose understanding of education is but superficial. The sound I hear coming out of the mouths of the candidates for governor reminds me of the muted trumpet sound issuing from Snoopy’s mouth in the old cartoon specials: waaamp, waaamp, waaamp, waaamp waamp. If they want to reform schools, go to the source. Ask teachers. It’s my guess it isn’t going to happen. It’s a shame. They hold the answers.

Politics and Education
Bogus Rumor Back Stabs Haussamen
Posted by
Jim Spence
Spence Columns
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Heath Haussamen |
News New Mexico was stunned yesterday afternoon when we were perusing the Joe Monahans New Mexico blog. It made a potentially damaging claim that NMPolitics.net founder Heath Haussamen's "financial prospects could improve if Susana (Martinez) wins. He's getting prominent mentions in political circles as a possible communications director for a Governor Martinez."
Knowing Haussamen as we do this rumor struck us as 99.99% likely to be completely bogus. Accordingly, we did what the Monahan blog writer should have done. We contacted Haussamen to confirm our suspicions that it was a completely unfounded rumor. Heath immediately responded to our inquiry and assured us the rumor in the blog was "absolutely untrue." Naturally, the potential damage is serious because it questioned integrity and pokes at "reputation." From our viewpoint there is NOBODY working in journalism in the entire state of New Mexico who sets the standard for honesty and fairness higher. Nobody does more unbiased reporting than Heath Haussamen. In our view, given the insidious nature of the statement in this particular blog, we want to call on those involved to apologize for posting an unconfirmed rumor on the site. In the future we recommend more homework before doubts are cast on the objectivity of a truly responsible journalist. Haussamen has no financial interest in the outcome of the gubernatorial race whatsoever and that was a fact that could have been confirmed in five minutes.Bogus Rumor Back Stabs Haussamen
Swickard: You Have to Hand It to the Handy
Posted by
Jim Spence
Swickard Columns

Swickard: You Have to Hand It to the Handy
Stress is professional hazard for coaches
Posted by
Michael Swickard

When Gantt caught the ball and sauntered into the end zone, giving Michigan State a stunning 34-31 overtime victory over Notre Dame on Saturday, Dantonio simply raised his hands in the air. The mayhem was left to others. For Dantonio, there was no fist-pumping, no jumping up and down, no sprinting onto the field in celebration. For anyone who wondered how Dantonio, after making such a brassy call, could look so nonchalant after the game, they had their answer within a few hours. Before the night was done, Dantonio was in the hospital after suffering a heart attack. Doctors performed an angioplasty, opening a blocked blood vessel. Dantonio was released from the hospital Tuesday, but it is unclear when he will resume coaching the Spartans. Offensive coordinator Don Treadwell has taken over in the interim. Dantonio’s heart attack has given those around college football pause. When joined with the stress-related health issues that led Florida’s Urban Meyer to take a leave of absence and the sudden death of Northwestern coach Randy Walker in 2006, it has made the health of coaches a much-discussed topic this week. "I need to do a better job taking care of myself," Texas coach Mack Brown said. "I do in the offseason, and I feel great. But there's no doubt that you just wear yourself thin trying to win every game in the fall, and there's a lot on your plate." Brown went on to list all the people he has to deal with — fans, alumni, high school coaches, regents, faculty and 130 players who all have parents who must be told that only 11 can play on the field at one time. Read more
Stress is professional hazard for coaches
Blackwell - "Back to the Seventies"
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Ken Blackwell |
Fritz Mondale has weighed in. Jimmy Carter’s Vice President has surely not helped President Obama. He just gave an interview to the fashionably liberal New Yorker Magazine. That famously with-it publication titled its Mondale piece: “Back to the Seventies.” Oh my. If there’s one comparison that President Obama hopes voters won’t make, it’s likening him to President Carter. Mondale, like Yogi Berra, says it’s like déjà vu all over again. When the public sours on you, Fritz said, “it’s like a unique four-year marriage contract, in which divorce is not an option.” Mondale offered a reprise of his stormy tenure as vice president during Jimmy Carter’s unhappy single term. “People think the president is the only one who can fix their problems. And, if he doesn’t produce solutions, I’m telling you—when a person loses a job, or can’t feed his family, or can’t keep his house, he is not longer rational. They become angry, they strike out—and that’s what you have now. If you’re President, they say, ‘Do something!’” Read more here:
Blackwell - "Back to the Seventies"