State yanks unmarked license plates
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Tuesday, January 17, 2012
New Mexico News

Former N.M. Contractor Arraigned on Tax Evasion Charges
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
News New Mexico
From therepublic.com - A former state contractor is in trouble with the federal government over taxes.
Prosecutors say Shelda Sutton-Mendoza has been arraigned on five counts of tax evasion. She pleaded not guilty during a hearing earlier this month. If convicted, she faces up to five years in prison and a $100,000 fine. At the time of the crimes alleged in the indictment, Sutton-Mendoza owned NYSNC Environmental, a cleanup and testing service. More News New Mexico

Prosecutors say Shelda Sutton-Mendoza has been arraigned on five counts of tax evasion. She pleaded not guilty during a hearing earlier this month. If convicted, she faces up to five years in prison and a $100,000 fine. At the time of the crimes alleged in the indictment, Sutton-Mendoza owned NYSNC Environmental, a cleanup and testing service. More News New Mexico
Former N.M. Contractor Arraigned on Tax Evasion Charges
N.M. Legislature:Taking On "Citizen United"
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
News New Mexico,
U.S. Politics
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Rep. Steve Fischman |
N.M. Legislature:Taking On "Citizen United"
Joule Gets $70 Million in Funding for N.M. Biofuel Plant
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News
From bloomberg.com -Joule Unlimited Inc., a closely held biofuel developer, received $70 million in venture funding to support the start of a test plant in New Mexico this summer. The funds are the third round for a total of $110 million in financing, the company said today in a statement. Founding backer Flagship Ventures participated as well as other investors Joule didn’t identify. Proceeds also will support research and global expansion plans. The facility in Hobbs will help with testing of the company’s technology from its Massachusetts laboratory and Texas pilot plant. Joule, based in Bedford, Massachusetts, is developing a process that uses genetically modified photosynthetic microorganisms to make diesel, ethanol and chemicals from sunlight and carbon dioxide. More News New Mexico

Joule Gets $70 Million in Funding for N.M. Biofuel Plant
Lujan Reportedly Stricken with Lung Cancer
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Ben Lujan |
Sources at the Roundhouse tell News New Mexico that Speaker of the House Ben Lujan has lung cancer and the disease may have spread to other organs. Speaking off the record, our sources also say the Speaker may have been hospitalized at an undisclosed location somewhere in Santa Fe in recent days. Reports are coming in that House Democrats will be caucusing soon to try to determine who will fill the role of House Speaker during the 30 day session that started today.
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Ken Martinez |
First in line for the role of speaker appears to be House Majority Leader Kenny Martinez of Grants. However, Martinez, like fellow Representative Joseph Cervantes of Las Cruces, has been involved in efforts to unseat Lujan in recent years.
Adding to the complications are reports that the House GOP caucus may be considering taking action to support Joseph Cervantes in any vote to make a change in the speaker position.
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Joseph Cervantes |
Lujan Reportedly Stricken with Lung Cancer
Martinez to Deliver the State of the State Today
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Susana Martinez |
The Governor's State of the State address will be streamed live on the Governor’s website in cooperation with KNME at http://governor.state.nm.us as well as http://www.nemexico.gov/.

Martinez to Deliver the State of the State Today
Researchers Say Earth's Crust In New Mexico Is Stretching
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News
From kvia.com -say the Earth's crust in New Mexico is stretching at a rate of an inch of east-west growth every 40 years. The Albuquerque Journal reported that scientists have long suspected this was happening because of the way the Rio Grande Rift splits the state down the middle. The rift, a tear in the Earth's crust, defines the state's central mountain chain and the valley the Rio Grande now follows. Colorado geophysicist Henry Berglund, the lead author of a paper outlining these findings in a recent issue of the journal Geology, says until scientists began collecting data from their monitoring network back in 2006, they had no idea how widespread the stretching was.

Researchers Say Earth's Crust In New Mexico Is Stretching
Off-Road Enthusiasts Concerned About NM Land Deal
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News
From kvia.com -The New Mexico Off-Highway Vehicle Alliance has filed a protest with federal land managers over a proposed land trade with a northern New Mexico pueblo. The group says trading up to 3,200 acres of the El Palacio OHV Area to Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo would splice up an area that has been used for recreation for more than two decades. The plan was revealed in an environmental impact statement for resource management that was recently prepared by the Bureau of Land Management's Taos office. The alliance contends that the draft environmental impact statement addressed only an exchange of 600 acres. More News New Mexico

Off-Road Enthusiasts Concerned About NM Land Deal
Emergency Texts Aid First Responders in New Mexico
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News

So the department looked into technology that would push 911 call data to responders’ cellphones. The technology initially was seen as a backup system. But the idea quickly found favor among paid and volunteer fire crews because they no longer would have to carry pagers or radios and instead could respond via text that they are responding to a call. “It’s a godsend for them, because they didn’t have this capability before,” Mordecki said. “They didn’t give radios to everybody, they just gave pagers. And at night, alarms don’t go off. They just get a text message.” The call-to-text system essentially is automated. A 911 call goes into a countywide 911 center, and as the operator is finished typing the call into the record, the information is sent as a text file into a server that every few seconds gets pinged by the fire department’s network, looking for new data.
News New Mexico
Emergency Texts Aid First Responders in New Mexico
Rail Runner Swallowing Millions of Road Funds
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Capitol Report New Mexico - A member of the state Transportation Commission called the balloon payments that taxpayers are facing in funding the Rail Runner as a “hand grenade” that the Department of Transportation is trying to defuse.
Pete Rahn and DOT secretary Alvin Dominguez appeared before the Transportation and Public Works Committee on Monday (Jan. 16) and expressed their concerns about how the department can grapple with keeping the state’s roads in decent shape with diminishing public and federal dollars while the Rail Runner’s costs add an extra layer of complications.
“The major problem is the 100 percent [of] state road fund dollars going to pay for the capital investment, the $420 million in capital investment that was made into the Rail Runner,” Dominguez told Capitol Report New Mexico after the hearing. “It drains dollars that should be going into our roadways.” Then there are the two estimated $235 million balloon payments that must be paid between 2024-2026. “It’s a huge obstacle,” Rahn told lawmakers, adding the balloon payments represent “a hand grenade set in our modeling.” Read full story here: News New Mexico

Pete Rahn and DOT secretary Alvin Dominguez appeared before the Transportation and Public Works Committee on Monday (Jan. 16) and expressed their concerns about how the department can grapple with keeping the state’s roads in decent shape with diminishing public and federal dollars while the Rail Runner’s costs add an extra layer of complications.
“The major problem is the 100 percent [of] state road fund dollars going to pay for the capital investment, the $420 million in capital investment that was made into the Rail Runner,” Dominguez told Capitol Report New Mexico after the hearing. “It drains dollars that should be going into our roadways.” Then there are the two estimated $235 million balloon payments that must be paid between 2024-2026. “It’s a huge obstacle,” Rahn told lawmakers, adding the balloon payments represent “a hand grenade set in our modeling.” Read full story here: News New Mexico
Rail Runner Swallowing Millions of Road Funds
The EPA's Binge Gambling
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Marita Noon |
The first card Krupp lays down in support of his argument that the US has “good sense” is DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)—which the Environmental Defense Fund’s (EDF) cofounder, Victor Yannacone, was instrumental in banning back in 1972. Using DDT as an example of “good sense,” Krupp says it was banned “after learning that the pesticide was killing birds of prey.” Even though the EDF sprang up in the late sixties with the single purpose of battling the use of DDT, it is surprising that he is still trying this old trick.
Since DDT was used in WWII to successfully control typhus and malaria, it has gone from winner to loser and back to winner again. In 1948, Dr. Paul Muller, the scientist who discovered the insecticidal properties of DDT, was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for his work. The tables turned when Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring in 1962 and referenced experiments done that claimed DDT thinned birds’ eggshells. Ultimately, through the work of EDF, DDT was banned in 1972. Because of that decision, malaria has spread, and millions have died from it. Instead of eliminating the disease’s vector, the mosquito, drugs have been developed to treat the disease, and those drugs are now proving ineffective, as malaria has grown resistant to them.

The world gambled on what seemed to be a sure thing—but it turned out to be just hysteria and propaganda. Millions have died from the bad bet. Read rest of the column: News New Mexico
The EPA's Binge Gambling
Natural gas prices shake up 2013 budget
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Natural gas prices shake up 2013 budget
Redistricting judge OK’s state Senate compromise plan
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Redistricting judge OK’s state Senate compromise plan