Only Congress can take the guns away, not the president |
NewsNM Swickard - shame on the mayors! No, not for their stand on guns, for not understanding that gun laws are made in Congress. Laws are not made in the Oval Office. What they really want is a dictator to decree no guns since those laws will never pass Congress. So who wants a dictator? From
KRQE-TV.com - RUIDOSO - It's been a hot-button issue, especially in the wake of the Connecticut school shooting. Now, hundreds of mayors across the country, including some in New Mexico, have petitioned the president for tighter gun control laws. Ruidoso's mayor has been vocal in the past on this issue, and on Wednesday he told KRQE News 13 his position hasn't changed.
Last week, following the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., that left 26 people dead, most of them children, more than 750 mayors across the country addressed President Obama in a letter .
The letter states, "Together, we urge you to put forward an agenda that is rooted in common sense and that will make it harder for dangerous people to possess guns, and easier for police and prosecutors to crack down on them."
Ruidoso Mayor Ray Alborn was among the mayors who signed the letter. "It's never been a big part of my life, but that doesn't mean other people can't have guns," Alborn explained. "I don't care about that. All I'm concerned about is that we protect our employees and the public."
Alborn is no stranger to the issue. Last year he issued a controversial executive order banning guns on village property after a citizen refused to give up his gun at a council meeting. More than 50 protestors responded to the order by showing up to a council meeting with their guns.
"Almost all of the mass murders in our country have occurred in areas just like you're fixing to set up, in gun-free zones," Executive Director Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America said at the meeting.
The executive order was later rescinded. But Alborn said he still wants guns banned on village property and has reached out to the state Attorney General's Office asking for a ruling on the idea.
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Mayors petition Obama for gun control