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Susana Martinez |
No doubt the story of the week at News New Mexico emerged on Tuesday when when we linked to a video depicting Governor Susana Martinez' proficiency with a firearm on our site. The video, still available on YouTube, showed Martinez knocking down one iron target after another. She performed the feat in Las Cruces last week after re-qualifying for her "conceal and carry" weapon license. It was an impressive display of marksmanship by the Governor. The video went viral on the Internet within 48 hours of our show. You can see if here if you missed it. We enjoyed played the audio of her bullets hitting their targets all week to the delighted chuckles of listeners all over the state.
We actually began the week posting a profoundly insightful column by columnist and contributor Marita Noon. Her column addressed the importance of having reliable oil and coal energy sources at our fingertips so we can PREVENT all sorts of national disasters associated with loss of electrical power. Noon cited an absurd statement made recently by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The gaffe-prone Reid said coal and oil are “killing” us.

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Al and Tipper |
Early in the week
News New Mexico announced an agreement to make the brilliant political cartoons of Tony Branco part of our standard content on this site. We began posting Branco cartoons on Monday courtesy of conservativedailynews.com. We actually sought out the originator of these remarkable cartoons and are thrilled to now be associated with Branco. His talents are boundless and the appearance of his cartoons each day is reason enough to make newsnm.com your homepage. Please tell your friends and family. Each day we find ourselves anticipating what Tony will serve up as much as we do our first cup of coffee.

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Charles Ponzi |
In a related story early this week, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was Rep. Ben Ray Lujan’s guest in Santa Fe. Both Pelosi and Lujan are serial Ponzi scheme “deniers.” Predictably they locked arms at a press conference and disputed the fact that the government is actually running a Ponzi scheme. Apparently Lujan and Pelosi wanted to make it clear they believe any effort to gradually reform a bankrupt system is a bad idea.

There was a double dose of bad news for the Obama administration late in the week. First came yet another dismal “no jobs” report that showed that there is no economic fruit to be harvested from the massive Keynesian stimulus plan that was promoted by President Obama. Of course job seekers should not be so simplistic as to blame the impact of the naive economic policies solely on the president. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Jeff Bingaman, Tom Udall, Ben Ray Lujan, and Senate wannabe Martin Heinrich all voted for the hair-brained borrow and spend schemes too. It truly was a community (organizer) effort.
The second news item that came late in the week could eventually prove equally ominous for various officials in the administration. It seems there is now email evidence detailing the botched “Fast and Furious” gunrunning debacle. And apparently these communications reached the “highest levels” at the White House just before a cover-up ensued. It seems that DOJ and ATF have been trying to obfuscate the facts surrounding the death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

And in what could turn out to be a somewhat related note, a Deming gun store owner and his family were arrested on charges by federal law enforcement officials late in the week. Many suspect, given that operation “Fast and Furious” appears to be nothing more than a botched attempt at tearing down 2nd Amendment rights, that making gun store owners look bad is part of the DOJ plans to further divert attention away from the scandal. All alert observers should take charges filed against these southern New Mexico business people with a huge grain of salt. The burgeoning “Fast and Furious” scandal is now threatening to take down Attorney General Eric Holder and many of his associates. And DOJ and ATF are looking for scapegoats. It would seem that any American business that directly serves those who still “cling to their “bibles and their guns,” are on notice.

And finally, in what has to be the front runner for the Hypocrites of the Year Award story, the radical environmentalist group “New Energy Economy” filed a ridiculous motion to force the recusal of three Environmental Board members for what it called “bias.” We recall there once was an un-elected EIB that was stacked with completely biased job-killing environmentalists under Bill Richardson. Those zealots managed to do to New Mexico what its elected officials refused to do. The board enacted outrageous “rules” that would have permanently crippled paycheck providing industries all over the state. The radicals justification for insisting on economic suicide can be summed up as follows: They were engineering a unilateral effort to “Save the Planet” no matter what it costs. And now it seems that since the current EIB has silly members that somehow think saving jobs and paycheck writing businesses in the state is more important than propping up a dumb idea, the New Energy Economy types believe there is a “bias” at work. The most comical aspect of this motion is the name of these Kool-Aid drinkers selected for their organization. They are not "new," they know nothing about viable and affordable "energy," and they only thing they can do to the state’s “economy” is…. kill it.