Missing "art" cactus discovered in landfill
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Wednesday, February 16, 2011
New Mexico News

Build a Wall: The Year of the Rabbit starts badly
Posted by
Michael Swickard
International News

Build a Wall: The Year of the Rabbit starts badly
Obama’s Latest Joke
Posted by
Michael Swickard

Obama’s Latest Joke
Decline in Real Estate Sales Higher Than Stated?
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
National News
From inman.com -Statistics published by the National Association of Realtors appear to overstate sales of existing homes by 15 to 20 percent, mortgage and property data aggregator CoreLogic says in a new report that concludes home sales fell more sharply last year than previously thought. A NAR spokesman said the CoreLogic claim "is premature at best," and NAR will be making some benchmark revisions to its historic sales data later this year. NAR's figures -- based on data collected from multiple listing services and large brokerages -- show sales of existing homes fell 5 percent in 2010, to 4.9 million. But CoreLogic, which collects public sales records from county recorders and courts, estimates that home sales actually fell 12 percent, to 3.6 million. More News New Mexico

Decline in Real Estate Sales Higher Than Stated?
Florida Governor Latest to Refuse Federal Funds for High-Speed Rail
Posted by
Michael Swickard
National News,
U.S. Politics

Florida Governor Latest to Refuse Federal Funds for High-Speed Rail
Healthcare Reform Law Requires New IRS Army
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
National News
(Pulaski Note) Meanwhile President Obama is giving the IRS a 9.4% increase and 5,100 additional agents in 2012 via the Wall Street Journal
From usnews.com -The Internal Revenue Service says it will need an battalion of 1,054 new auditors and staffers and new facilities at a cost to taxpayers of more than $359 million in fiscal 2012 just to watch over the initial implementation of President Obama's healthcare reforms. Among the new corps will be 81 workers assigned to make sure tanning salons pay a new 10 percent excise tax Their cost: $11.5 million. "The ACA [Affordable Care Act] will require additional resources to build new IT systems; modify existing tax processing systems; provide taxpayer outreach and assistance services; make enhancements to notices, collections, and case management systems to address and resolve taxpayer issues timely and accurately; and conduct focused examinations to encourage compliance," said the newly released IRS budget. More News New Mexico

From usnews.com -The Internal Revenue Service says it will need an battalion of 1,054 new auditors and staffers and new facilities at a cost to taxpayers of more than $359 million in fiscal 2012 just to watch over the initial implementation of President Obama's healthcare reforms. Among the new corps will be 81 workers assigned to make sure tanning salons pay a new 10 percent excise tax Their cost: $11.5 million. "The ACA [Affordable Care Act] will require additional resources to build new IT systems; modify existing tax processing systems; provide taxpayer outreach and assistance services; make enhancements to notices, collections, and case management systems to address and resolve taxpayer issues timely and accurately; and conduct focused examinations to encourage compliance," said the newly released IRS budget. More News New Mexico
Healthcare Reform Law Requires New IRS Army
Ron Paul: TP Activists Similar to Egyptian Protesters
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
U.S. Politics
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Ron Paul |
Ron Paul: TP Activists Similar to Egyptian Protesters
Sanchez Serious About Second Hand Smoke
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Bernadette Sanchez |

Researchers reported that in just five minutes, smoking in cars can produce unsafe levels of secondhand smoke for children. "You can't smoke in restaurants, office buildings and public buildings because of the dangers of secondhand smoke, the only area we haven't done is smoking in cars," commented Sen. Sanchez, who also said this will protect children who are small, eight and under. Senate Bill 212 still permits smoking in a limousine under private hire when a minor not required to be restrained in a child safety or booster seat is present. SB212 received a "Do Pass" recommendation from Senate Public affairs.

Sanchez Serious About Second Hand Smoke
Forget the Constitution, Its an Emergency!
Posted by
Jim Spence
U.S. Politics
Townhall - by Robert Knight - Did you know that the nation will soon undergo a test that will determine how effectively the President of the United States can seize control of the media in the event of an “emergency?” Well, that’s not the way they’re putting it. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a press release on Feb. 3 outlining the plan for the “first-ever Presidential alert.” On a date yet to be set, the Presidential alert will go “to television and radio broadcasters, cable systems and satellite service providers who will then deliver the alert to the American public,” according to the FCC.

Forget the Constitution, Its an Emergency!
Bill Would Extend Lottery Enrollment Deadline
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Bill O'Neill |
Santa Fe, NM – A bill sponsored by Rep. Bill O’Neill (D-Albuquerque) that would allow New Mexico high school graduates a 16-month period to enroll in college and take advantage of New Mexico lottery scholarships moved closer to becoming law today. HB 62 passed the House with a vote of 63 to 0. “The fact that this bill passed unanimously highlights the support that this logical and important legislation has on both sides of the aisle,” Rep. O’Neill said. Currently, students must enroll in a New Mexico public college or university within 120 days after graduation from high school or having received a GED to receive funds from the New Mexico Legislative Lottery Scholarship. This bill would extend that enrollment time to a full 16 months. According to the Higher Education Department, lengthening the time from high school graduation to college matriculation may help students not prepared for college (either academically or emotionally) to remove potential obstacles to success. The bill would also give students who graduated from high school early and people who earned their GED near the end of the academic year access to legislative lottery scholarships.

Often times, our graduates aren’t prepared to enter college for myriads of reasons. Given some time, they are able to consider college as a realistic and viable opportunity.” HB 62 would maintain other existing qualifications for students to receive the legislative lottery scholarship which include: proof of New Mexico residency based on tuition requirements; a student must have graduated from a New Mexico public or accredited private school or obtained a New Mexico GED; full-time enrollment at an eligible New Mexico public college or university; and the student must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 to retain the scholarship for the following semester. HB 62 will be submitted to the Senate for consideration.

Bill Would Extend Lottery Enrollment Deadline
New! Considering Impact of Tax Expenditures First
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Eleanor Chavez |
Under HB 161, the tax expenditure budget analysis would include jobs created, significant general fund revenue sources, and tax expenditures. The information provided to the governor and the legislature would allow them to annually evaluate the effectiveness of tax credits. It will provide information on all foregone revenue; the statutory basis for individual tax expenditures; quantify the state revenue invested; identify the beneficiaries of each tax expenditure; identify significant unintended effects of the tax expenditures; and provide a total of all of the costs in each fiscal year for all tax expenditures. Currently that information is not readily available from the Taxation and Revenue Department or any other agency. According to the Legislative Finance Committee, the total general fund revenue foregone in FY12 is estimated at $941.1 million. Currently New Mexico is one of only seven states that don’t have a tax expenditure budget.
New! Considering Impact of Tax Expenditures First
Listener Feedback on Justice System
Posted by
Jim Spence
Guest Columns
Ladies and Gentlemen of the NewsNM Team, I have noticed on several occasions that the phrase "Innocent until proven Guilty" has been used on air. Though it often stated as such in discussion and debate, I believe this statement to be in error. Under US law the accused is "Presumed Innocent until proven Guilty" in the eyes of the Court (or Law). The distinction between "Innocent" and "Presumed Innocent" is significant. So much so, that the court does not deliver a verdict on the Innocence of the accused. Verdicts are delivered as Guilty, Not Guilty or Acquitted; and reflects solely on what the available evidence can show. An accused person can not actually be 'innocent until proven guilty'. Their innocence (or lack thereof) is determined by their actions, not the court. The verdict of the court will not change the status of a persons innocence. Thank you for your time. Kyle Buller

Listener Feedback on Justice System
Wind Farm Planned in Southern New Mexico
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News
From newswest9.com -Lea County Electric Cooperative has signed a 20-year contract with Dallas-based Kairos Energy LLC to buy electricity from a 28.8-megawatt wind farm. Kairos Energy's website says the project to be built near Lovington in southeastern New Mexico is to break ground in July and be in operation by May 2012. The wind farm will consist of a dozen 260-foot tall wind turbines and will be partnered with the cooperative's gas-fired generation engines now under construction. The gas-fired engines coupled with the wind farm will allow the cooperative to move 40 megawatts of electricity off the Xcel Energy system. The cooperative currently buys most of the 194 megawatts of electricity to meet customer needs from Xcel. The cooperative's executive director, Gary Hurse, says the project is a hedge against price increases. More from News New Mexico

Wind Farm Planned in Southern New Mexico
Pearce: Budget Amendments - Lujan, Heinrich: Punt
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News,
U.S. Politics
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Steve Pearce |

Pearce: Budget Amendments - Lujan, Heinrich: Punt