Let the Mudslinging Begin
Posted by
Jim Spence
on Thursday, June 24, 2010
NMPolitics.net has done some basic investigative reporting on the latest attack ad by the Diane Denish campaign. The findings of the investigation should raise the eyebrows of anyone watching the gubernatorial campaign in New Mexico. One has to wonder who is making the decisions in the Denish campaign and why the emphasis of the message is to tear down Susana Martinez rather than build up candidate Denish. Is this a winning tactic or will it backfire? Read Heath Haussamen's report here:
California's Version of the Social Safety Net
Posted by
Jim Spence
It would seem that insanity has finally fully engulfed the entire State of California. The Los Angeles Times reports that welfare cards issued by the state, which enable recipients to withdraw taxpayer cash, are being used at ATM machines located in casinos. Read the details of the latest example of the unintended consequences of government attempting to serve the "greater good." With one of the highest personal income tax rates in the nation and a terrible state economy. There still seems to be a debate about whether the state needs higher taxes or spending reforms. Read the details of this fiasco here:

California's Version of the Social Safety Net
Finally U.S. - Mexico Cooperate - Both Sue Arizona
Posted by
Jim Spence
Columnist Larry Elder makes some observations on one of the great issues of the day and of our region.....border security. Not long after Mexican President Felipe Calderon bashed Arizona in Washington D.C. lawyers in both the U.S. and Mexican governments have made the decision to take the same course of action. Both federal governments will sue the State of Arizona for deciding to enforce federal laws that are very similar in both countries.

Finally U.S. - Mexico Cooperate - Both Sue Arizona
Fire in Organs Contained
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Las Cruces residents woke up to the news that the Long Canyon fire that threatened communities south and east of Talavera was 100% contained. The fire consumed nearly 2600 acres over the past few days. Read the details here:

Fire in Organs Contained
Jon Barela - Young Gun in New Mexico
Posted by
Jim Spence
The Political Director of the National Republican Congressional Committee describes Jon Barela, the GOP candidate for New Mexico's U.S. House District #1 seat as a "Young Gun." To learn more about what the GOP thinks about the race in the northern part of the state read here:

Jon Barela - Young Gun in New Mexico
Froma Harrop - Electrify the Roads
Posted by
Jim Spence
Columnist Froma Harrop dreams of a day when most cars in America will be battery powered. We do too. However, despite the fact that batteries require electricity to be re-charged, Harrop's nice dream does not seem to address how America might accommodate the surge in power demand that would come with the fulfillment of this dream. Despite the fact that green countries like France derive nearly 80% of their electrical power from nuclear plants, there is no mention of this efficient power source (nor any other). This important little detail causes us to wonder exactly how all these batteries will get charged. It is a very nice dream. Read it here:

Froma Harrop - Electrify the Roads
McChrystal Out and Petraeus In
Posted by
Jim Spence
National News,

McChrystal Out and Petraeus In
George Soros Lectures Germany
Posted by
Jim Spence
International News
Billionaire George Soros, perhaps the single largest campaign contributor to the Democratic Party in the U.S. was heard bashing German fiscal policy in a speech in Berlin. Lately, German Prime Minister Angela Merkel, after sticking her political neck out for the rest of Europe, has been calling on various nations in the Euro Zone to get their fiscal houses in order. Soros finds fault with Merkel, saying the German policy of fiscal responsibility could lead to deflation. Soros called on Germany, which has already backstopped billions in loans to its reckless neighbors to stop being so selfish. Read the story here:

George Soros Lectures Germany
Walter Williams - Government's Gulf Oil Spill
Posted by
Jim Spence
Columnist Walter Williams explains why the federal governements fingerprints are all over the gulf oil disaster. He calls the situation a Government Aggravated Tragedy. Read his observations here:
Walter Williams - Government's Gulf Oil Spill
Thomas Sowell - A Sad Day
Posted by
Jim Spence
Columnist Thomas Sowell discusses the resignation of General Stanley McChystal, the nature and danger of only having political generals, and the parallels with Douglas MacArthur's firing by Harry Truman in a column he entitles, "A Sad Day." Read his thoughts on these topics here:

Thomas Sowell - A Sad Day