Private security company to search border-crossers vehicles for hire
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Monday, July 18, 2011

With Union Help Heinrich is a Cash Gathering Machine
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Martin Heinrich |
KRQE - Democratic Congressman Martin Heinrich reports having nearly $710,000 available for his campaign for New Mexico's open U.S. Senate seat. Heinrich collected $485,000 in contributions from April through the end of June. That's according to a fundraising summary released by his campaign. Democratic state Auditor Hector Balderas raised almost $408,000 during the last quarter. He reports cash-on-hand of almost $371,000 at the end of June in his Senate campaign account. Read full story here: News New Mexico
With Union Help Heinrich is a Cash Gathering Machine
ACORN's Worst Nightmare Exposes Medicaid Fraud
Posted by
Jim Spence
National News
James O'Keefe |
ACORN's Worst Nightmare Exposes Medicaid Fraud
Nichols: Manipulating the News and Landscape
Posted by
Jim Spence
John Nichols |
The Nation - Australian-born billionaire Rupert Murdoch has manipulated not just the news but the news landscape of the United States for decades. He has done so by pressuring the Federal Communications Commission and Congress to alter the laws of the land and regulatory standards in order to give his media conglomerate an unfair advantage in “competition” with more locally focused, more engaged and more responsible media.
Rupert Murdoch |
But that’s a fantasy. Just as Murdoch has had far too much control over politics and politicians in Britain during periods of conservative dominance—be it under an actual Tory such as former Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and John Major and current Prime Minister David Cameron or under a faux Tory such as former Prime Minister Tony Blair—he has had far too much control in the States. And that control, while ideological to some extent, is focused mainly on improving the bottom line for his media properties by securing for them unfair legal and regulatory advantages. Read full column here: News New Mexico
Nichols: Manipulating the News and Landscape
Terrell: Wilson Getting it From All Sides
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News Analysis
Heather Wilson |
Roundhouse Roundup - Former Congresswoman Heather Wilson is getting it from all sides concerning her refusal to take a clear position on the Paul Ryan budget proposal. That's a situation she's used to being in. But if that recent PPP poll is anywhere near correct -- that she's got a wide lead among Republicans to win the GOP primary -- it might not be concerning her all that much. Her Republican opponent, Lt. Gov. John Sanchez, just issued a statement saying she "hasn’t changed much from the liberal member of Congress she used to be." That's referring to a statement Wilson recently made in Politco: "I don’t agree with some of the things in his budget plan. There are a lot of things in there that cause some concern.” That's similar to what she told me in May. "I don't agree with everything in the Ryan plan, but I give him a lot of credit for trying to have a serious debate about saving Medicare. Democrats have not offered one single idea to save Medicare." Read full story here: News New Mexico
Terrell: Wilson Getting it From All Sides
Activists Will Fight LANL National Historical Park
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
KOB TV - Anti-nuclear activists say they will fight a proposal to create national parks at Los Alamos National Laboratory and two other sites where the world's first nuclear bombs were developed. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar released a study to Congress last week that recommends establishing a national historical park to commemorate the top-secret Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb. Read full story here: News New Mexico

Activists Will Fight LANL National Historical Park
Obama Opposes Cutting, Capping, and Balancing
Posted by
Jim Spence
U.S. Politics
President Obama - V.P. Biden Working on the Debt Ceiling |
Obama Opposes Cutting, Capping, and Balancing
Duran Praised and Attacked at Same Meeting
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Dianna Duran |
Alamogordo Daily News - ALBUQUERQUE - A legislator on Friday asked Secretary of State Dianna Duran to end a state police investigation of 64,000 registered voters, but Duran said she was duty-bound to continue it. She said the expertise of police investigators would help her office make sure that New Mexico's voter rolls were updated and accurate. State Rep. Richard Vigil, D-Ribera, said Duran had mishandled the case by involving police without any evidence that a crime had been committed. "I have a piece of advice for you," he said to Duran during the end of a three-hour legislative hearing. "Bring those files back from the Department of Public Safety. Hand them to the 33 county clerks" who have expertise in voter registrations and elections. Read full story here: News New Mexico
Duran Praised and Attacked at Same Meeting
Pearce: Obama May Purposely Withhold SS Checks
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Steve Pearce |
Since then, a number of financial and economics experts have said that the US Treasury can and will be able to meet its obligations to Social Security recipients and Republicans accused the President of preying on the fears of seniors in order to score political points. Read full story here: News New Mexico
Pearce: Obama May Purposely Withhold SS Checks
White House Budget Director Refuses Priority Questions
Posted by
Jim Spence
U.S. Politics
Candy Crowley |
CNN's Candy Crowley, HOST: "More immediately, you'd have to make some spending priorities -- payment priority decisions: Social Security benefits, and federal worker pay, and defense contractors. What are your priorities should the debt ceiling not be raised on the 2nd, when you have the bills that immediately come due? Social Security checks, federal worker pay, defense contractors?"
Jacob Lew, WH Budget Director: "Our plan is for Congress to do its work and the President to sign into law legislation that will make it possible for the United States as it always has, to keep its obligations. We'll be ready to deal with whatever happens. There is no plan other than meeting our obligations."
CROWLEY: "Surely you must have discussed priorities, though, we have to pay this?"
Jacob Lew |
CROWLEY: "Would you allow it to happen that those the Social Security checks would not go out? Would you allow that to happen?"
LEW: "As the President has indicated, it's not a question of what we allow and what we don't allow --"
CROWLEY: "But you get to decide priorities. There will be some money --"
LEW: "There will not be enough money to pay all the bills."
CROWLEY: "Of course not, that's why I'm talking about priorities."
LEW: "I think that once someone gets into the business of trying to ask about setting priorities it misses the question. Which is that it's unacceptable for the United States to be in a place whether it's Social Security recipients, or a soldier or somebody who is just owed money by the government can't be paid because we have not done our job." Read full story here: News New Mexico
White House Budget Director Refuses Priority Questions
GOP Ignores White House Deadline
Posted by
Jim Spence
U.S. Politics
The Hill - House Republican leaders have missed a 36-hour deadline President Obama set during a Thursday meeting for lawmakers to give him a plan to avert a national default. The deadline came and went Saturday morning without a response from House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio). Instead, Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) plan to move the Cut, Cap and Balance Act on the floor next week, which would require passage of a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution before the debt limit is raised.

John Boehner |
A House GOP leadership aide said at noontime Saturday that Boehner and Cantor did not send Obama a revised proposal to raise the debt-limit, as the president requested. A White House official said talks continue despite the missed deadline. "The president, vice president and staff have been in frequent communication with leaders and staff in both chambers and parties, discussing various options," said the official. Read full story here: News New Mexico
GOP Ignores White House Deadline