New Florida Governor set to start transforming Florida education... NM set to copy Florida before change
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ted Kennedy's Wife Rules Out Senate Run
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
National News,
U.S. Politics
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Ted and Vicki Kennedy |
Ted Kennedy's Wife Rules Out Senate Run
Governor Addresses Child Safety Issues
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Governor Martinez |
Governor Addresses Child Safety Issues
The Virtue of Sarah Palin
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
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Pamela Geller |
The Virtue of Sarah Palin
Biden: US is Not The Enemy of Islam
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
International News,
U.S. Politics
From middle-east-online.com -After talks with Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani he described as "extremely useful", Biden addressed anti-American sentiment in Pakistan, fanned by the ongoing war in Afghanistan and a covert US drone campaign on its border. "There are even some sections in Pakistani society and elsewhere that suggest American disrespects Islam and its followers," Biden told a joint press conference at the prime minister's residence. "We are not the enemies of Islam and we embrace those who practice that great religion in all our country," he added. More here

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Joe Biden |
Biden: US is Not The Enemy of Islam
Global Warming Update: Snow in 49 States
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
National News,
U.S. Politics
From michellemalkin.com -A warming planet continues to cause snowstorms, and as of now, only Florida is being spared the wrath: You might recall that last February, we posted about the news that there was at least a trace of snow on the ground in all 50 states. Well, according to the National Weather Service, the only state that this morning didn’t have at least a bit of snow on the ground was Florida. Yes, according to the Weather Service: “This includes Hawaii where about seven inches of snow is atop Mauna Kea.” Snow is currently on the ground in 69.4 percent of the lower 48 — it would be on 70.2 percent of the ground but Al Gore covered a field of Tennessee Irises with one of his sport jackets so they wouldn’t frost while he was wintering in his new California mansion. More here

Global Warming Update: Snow in 49 States
Litigation Onslaught Begins
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Susana Martinez - Inaugural Address - 8 Degrees |
Santa Fe New Mexican — Gov. Susana Martinez's administration defended itself Wednesday against allegations that it circumvented the law when it put the brakes on the publication of numerous pending and proposed rules in the state register, including new regulations aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions across New Mexico. The New Mexico Environmental Law Center claims in a lawsuit filed Tuesday with the state Supreme Court that the administration disregarded the law when it moved to halt the codification and printing of the greenhouse gas regulations, which were approved in December by state regulators and filed with the state records administrator. Without publication, the rules cannot become effective. The law center petitioned the court on behalf of New Energy Economy, a nonprofit group that pushed for the greenhouse gas emissions cap. The center is asking the court to force Martinez and F. David Martin, whom she nominated to head the state Environment Department, to follow the law and have the regulations published. Read full story here:
Litigation Onslaught Begins
Who is afraid of the Repeal Amendment?
Posted by
Michael Swickard

"Any provision of law or regulation of the United States may be repealed by the several states, and such repeal shall be effective when the legislatures of two-thirds of the several states approve resolutions for this purpose that particularly describe the same provision or provisions of law or regulation to be repealed."
In short, the legislatures of two-thirds of the states can repeal any federal law or regulation. Arising from those who are distressed at the seemingly limitless power of the federal government -- taking over everything from car companies, banks, student loans, and even the practice of medicine -- the Repeal Amendment seems to have touched a nerve on the left. First, the Washington Post's Dana Milbank played the race card. "[T]here's the unfortunate echo of nullification -- the right asserted by states to ignore federal laws they found objectionable -- and the 'states' rights' argument that was used to justify slavery and segregation." But this is imaginary. Undermining civil rights is simply not on the agenda of anyone who favors this. Besides, to reach the two-thirds threshold to repeal any law would require the support of lots of blue states as well as red states, from different parts of the country. Then Slate's Dahlia Lithwick attempted to find a contradiction in supporters' professed love for the Constitution. "For a party (whether of the Tea or Grand Old variety) that sees the Constitution as something so perfect as to have been divinely inspired, the idea that it needs to be altered fundamentally is beyond crediting. . . ." But the Constitution includes the amendment process of Article V, which has already been used to alter the scheme by allowing an income tax and eliminating the power of state legislatures to select U.S. senators. Read more
Who is afraid of the Repeal Amendment?
House Minority Leader Tom Taylor on NewsNM
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Tom Taylor |
Tom Taylor a Republican from Farmington and the New Mexico House of Representative Minority Leader will appear on News New Mexico for an early interview Wednesday morning. Taylor is scheduled for the 6:30am to 7:00am time segment. We will ask Taylor for his take on the upcoming Speaker of the House vote. There have been several reports from News New Mexico, Capitol Report New Mexico, and NMPolitcs.net regarding a behind the scenes movement around the state to remove sitting speaker Ben Lujan at the beginning of the upcoming session. Lujan's tenure was opposed by Joseph Cervantes (D-Las Cruces) in the Democratic Party Caucus held in Santa Fe in November.
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Joseph Cervantes |
House Minority Leader Tom Taylor on NewsNM
Want to Balance Budget? Change NM poverty line
Posted by
Michael Swickard

Over the years to get more participation in New Mexico Medicaid and more federal reimbursement the state changed the apparent poverty line from the federal standard description to the New Mexico Poverty line which was 235% of federal mark.
Why not bring the New Mexico poverty line back closer to the federal line?
Just asking.
Want to Balance Budget? Change NM poverty line
Eliminating tax credits and deductions won’t solve budget problem
Posted by
Michael Swickard

Eliminating tax credits and deductions won’t solve budget problem
Budgeting Differences Begin to Emerge
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Governor Martinez |
Both plans will compete for votes as Martinez and state lawmakers work to close the gap between New Mexico's revenues and expenses. On Monday, Martinez sounded as if she were contemplating her first veto at the mention of the Legislature's recommendation to cut the state's corrections agency by nearly $11 million, taking it to $251 million in funding from more than $262 million. Such a deep cut to the corrections agency likely would lead to the "early release of prisoners," Martinez said Monday, explaining why she opposes the recommendation. Meanwhile, Martinez wants to trim the New Mexico Environment Department by $3 million, which would take that agency from $14.2 million to $11.2 million in funding, a sizable difference from the Legislature's recommended cut of $800,000. Read more here:
Budgeting Differences Begin to Emerge
The Great Film Debate in NM
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Capitol Report New Mexico - The Great New Mexico Film Debate proved to be box office boffo Tuesday (Jan. 11) as more than 300 people squeezed into the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque while another 96 sat and watched the debate in an overflow room and more than 100 others were turned away due to lack of space. The debate centered on the state’s film subsidy which lures Hollywood moviemakers to New Mexico by providing a 25 percent tax subsidy to producers. Two state lawmakers — Sen. Sue Wilson Beffort (R-Sandia Park) and Rep. Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) argued the film program has brought in more than a billion dollars in qualfied spending and has been – in the words of Beffort — “the gold standard” among state film programs across the country. Two other lawmakers — Rep. Dennis Kintigh (R-Roswell) and Rep. Janice Arnold-Jones – argued the subsidy costs taxpayers $65 million last year and should be capped or eliminated. Read full story here:

The Great Film Debate in NM
U.S. Heading for Another Gas Crunch?
Posted by
Jim Spence
U.S. Politics
Washington Times - With gasoline prices at unusually high levels for this time of year, a report from a presidential commission Tuesday did little to break the political deadlock over offshore drilling, prompting some observers to warn that the U.S. is headed toward another gas-price crunch this summer. The nationwide average price of regular gas over the weekend rose to $3.08 a gallon while crude-oil prices have surged to more than $90 a barrel — levels seen in only one previous winter, in 2007-08. Gasoline prices then ran up dramatically in the 2008 spring-summer driving season and reached an all-time high of more than $4, prompting public outrage and demands that the government open offshore drilling for the first time in 30 years. Read full story here:

U.S. Heading for Another Gas Crunch?
China Would "Welcome" U.S. Statement on Dollar Asset Holdings Held by Chinese
Posted by
Jim Spence
International News,
U.S. Politics
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Hu Jintao |
Bloomberg - China said it would “welcome” a positive statement from the U.S. on the stability of Chinese- held dollar assets during next week’s summit in Washington between President Hu Jintao and President Barack Obama. “If the U.S. makes a positive statement on this issue we surely will welcome that,” Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai said in response to a question at a press briefing today in Beijing. “China follows very closely the economic health of the United States and vice versa.”

China Would "Welcome" U.S. Statement on Dollar Asset Holdings Held by Chinese