It has been a strange week in Washington. Senator Diane Feinstein, from the pacifist state of California, was caught on camera Thursday expressing outrage at the actions of activist progressives. President Obama was virtually speechless with anger after a quick press appearance earlier in the week. So angered was the president that he frowned and walked away rather than answer impromptu questions from the White House reporters pool on the topic of the damage done by WikiLeaks. Instead of talking, the president sent out Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Clinton was obviously madder than hell over the embarrassment caused by the colossal breach of security.
With the Obama foreign policy initiatives in Afghanistan and Iraq practically indistinguishable from those of George W. Bush, there is a certain amount of poetic justice associated with the latest attack on the White House policies by Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. Assange is the poster board hero of the progressive movement, the movement that engineered the Obama victory. At mid-week another progressive hero, MIT Professor Noam Chomsky was singing the praises of the document thefts pulled off by Assange in a television interview. When one mixes in the realization that closing Guantanamo was easier for Obama and Clinton to demagogue about than it was to actually do, observers can add a big plate of irony to the current events buffet. Of course the irony in these paradoxes is the intimations about Bush foreign policy incompetency from candidates Obama and Clinton during the zeal of the 2008 election tours. Their charges went far beyond accusations of incompetency. An unwillingness to “talk” to the dictators in North Korea and Iran were cited as reprehensible attitudes on the part of the Bushies. We were promised rather solemnly that America’s tarnished image would be lifted around the world once more sensitive and nuance appreciating intellectuals were returned to a position of authority in this country.

Of course much of the absurd dialogues ponied up by Obama and Clinton for 2008 voter consumption were done at the behest of………you guessed it……..the same movement that has since chosen to hack into government computers and embarrass Obama and Clinton.
But there is good news for the White House and the State Department as the week ends. The beleaguered and WikiLeaks battered Obama administration should take heart. Tough guy - Attorney General, Eric Holder is on the case. We can’t help but think that it is too bad this burgeoning battle with the progressive movement isn’t a pillow fight. Holder is an expert in “fluff warfare.”