Nearly 30 people were booked into the Bernalillo County jail on New Year's Day, suspected of drinking and driving. Albuquerque Police said 13 of those suspects were taken in at their checkpoint on New Year's Eve. KOB Eyewitness News 4 wanted to know how those numbers compare to last year. "Not a significant drop, but we are noticing that in regards to the checkpoints that we do run, and have run in the past, years past we used to get 25 or 30, but times have changed," APD Officer Robert Gibbs said.
Sadly, Officer Gibbs is not referring to people wising up and playing it safe. He is talking about technology and how drunk drivers are using it to avoid getting caught. "People talk on cell phones. If we're near any liquor establishments, a lot of times those liquor establishments will announce to their patrons where the road block is at and to avoid the area," Officer Gibbs said. "There's applications that you can use on your Android phone or iPhone that will alert you to where a road block will be." Read more