KOB TV - The Little Bear Fire has consumed nearly 40,000 acres, but not one square mile was touched in Ruidoso. However, merchants are fighting the perception from out-of-towners that air quality in Ruidoso is bad and it is no longer a good tourist attraction in lieu of the fire.
"You know, we're still 10-20 degrees cooler than a lot of places around us, come up and sit in the cool pines and relax, that's the best thing people can do to help Ruidoso," said Gina Kelley, director of tourism in Ruidoso.
There was hardly a cloud in the sky on Tuesday and smoke from the Little Bear Fire was minimal and blowing north of Ruidoso. Kelley said the Ruidoso Chamber of Commerce answers over a hundred calls each day asking about the air quality in the village.
She said the biggest impact has been with lodgers in the area. "Lots of lodgers tell me that they've lost business for last week and this week. We're hoping that's going to bounce back soon," Kelley said.
Riker Davis works for Condotels in Ruidoso. He said his company is making a public relations campaign to alert their clients that Ruidoso is not being threatened by the fire. Read full story here:
News New Mexico

Fire Burns Ruidoso Hospitality Businesses