NM We The People Rally
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
on Thursday, January 13, 2011
New Mexico News
From wethepeoplerallynm.com -It is time to let our politicians know that we are watching them. We want a fresh start. No more corruption. Fiscal responsiblity. We the People demand accountablity. Join us, with former Governor Gary Johnson, Tea Parties from across the state, and business and conservative groups, on the steps of the Capitol on January 18, 2011, to send this message, loud and clear to the incoming Legislature. Click on FLYERS link above to open page to print flyers. Distribute them far and wide. Likeminded people, working together, will change this state. January 18, 2011 9-11 AM West steps of the Capitol in Santa Fe. Visit the website at wethepeoplerallynm.com
Farmer says dairy regulations bad for industry
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Farmer says dairy regulations bad for industry
Martinez targets department fleets, other perks
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Martinez targets department fleets, other perks
Going Broke by Going "Green"
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Harry Jackson Jr. |
Townhall - President Obama’s healthcare program came under intense scrutiny in 2010. As we enter 2011, we need to open our eyes to what is really going on behind his green energy propaganda, as well. To some, it may not seem as desperate an issue as healthcare, but it will grow to become just as devastating to those citizens among us who are poor, because access to affordable energy affects everything we do.
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Niger Innis |
The administration’s green policies are being thrust into a precarious American economy. Every “green scenario” shows raised energy costs across the board. Not only will the average person pay more for energy; many will lose their jobs as the forced transition to alternative power sources rocks the stability of current energy-producing and energy-using companies. Read full column here:
Going Broke by Going "Green"
Spaceport Review Process Underway
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Governor Martinez |
SANTA FE - As Governor Susana Martinez’s administration continues to review all aspects of the state’s budget in order to ensure the best and most prudent use of taxpayer money, the Governor’s Spaceport Transition Team has begun its review of operations at Spaceport America. The transition team will review and advise Governor Martinez and Economic Development Secretary-designate Jon Barela on the project’s operations, financing, and contracts.
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Jon Barela |
Transition team members are: Chairman Sherman McCorkle, President and CEO, SS&TP Development Corporation; Christine Anderson, Director of Requirements at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; Governor Garrey Carruthers, former Governor of New Mexico; Sid Gutierrez, former NASA astronaut, former Air Force Pilot, former Manager of Strategic Initiatives Department at Sandia National Laboratories; Tom Hutchinson, retired Navy Captain and former Naval aviator, owner of La Posta Restaurant in Mesilla, NM; Dan Keeling, CPA, Vice President of Internal Audit at Sun Healthcare Group, former accountant at KPMG.

Spaceport Review Process Underway
Dupnik Took a Break From Fact-Gathering
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Larry Elder |
Dupnik Took a Break From Fact-Gathering
The Economic Significance of Military Retirees
Posted by
Jim Spence
Guest Columns
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Jim Harbison |
By Jim Harbison - Every year approximately 60,000 highly skilled men and women retire from the military. They are in their early 40's, proficient in management, medical, educational, engineering, information technology, security, scientific or technical career fields. They are seeking a place to settle down, buy a home, and many want to start their own small businesses. With their combination of retirement pay, savings, and health care coverage they will not be a burden on New Mexico welfare or Medicaid programs.
Where are these military retirees choosing to settle? Surveys show that many prefer an area where they have previously served, are close to a military base, has a good climate and a favorable quality of life. New Mexico, scores high on these criteria. Ability to find a decent job or a state that encourages small business development is also a key consideration. Close to the top of the list of all considerations is the key issue of retirement pay taxation. Why do so many states provide tax incentives to military retirees? The financial driver is recognition that these retirees provide an economic windfall to the state. Currently 62% of military retirees live in 13 states. Eight of these states offer 100% income tax exemptions, four others offer significant exemptions.
In the past nine years NM has averaged only 115 new military retirees a year out of the approximate 60,000 retiring each year. We are nowhere near getting our possible piece of the “pie”. Our neighboring states, AZ, TX, UT & CO which all offer full, or significant, tax exemptions to these retirees, have drawn thousands more than NM.
As of 2009 New Mexico had 22,899 military retirees who received $1,642,940,000 in income. Their average household income is $86,161. Add a very conservative 2.0 economic multiplier to this sum and the $1.6B expands to well over $3 Billion. Economists estimate that every million dollars of new federal funds coming in to the state creates 10-12 new jobs. Bringing 30 new military retirees to the state creates 12 new jobs in addition to the numerous other impacts of the federal funds multiplier. If the state’s military retiree population creates such a significant contribution to the state’s economy, why isn’t the State aggressively pursuing incentives to draw more military retirees? 
Additionally, the new “GI Bill” brings increasing revenues to colleges and universities. The “Post 9/11 GI Bill offers qualified veterans up to 36 months of paid tuition, housing allowances and book stipends. The value of this program is estimated at 50-60 thousand dollars per retiree and it extends for a period of 15 years after they leave military service. It can be used by a dependent if not used by the veteran during that period. This GI Bill and in-state tuition rates are strong attractions for military retirees nationwide to come to New Mexico schools to get a undergraduate or graduate degrees. They will appreciate the benefit of in-state tuition rates but they will balk at the taxation of their retirement pay.The comprehensive study by Arrowhead Center at NM State University determined that “The Economic Impact of Exempting Retired Military Service Payments from New Mexico Personal Income Tax” would in fact be good policy for the state.

The Economic Significance of Military Retirees
Why a Voracious Appetite for Blame?
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Armstrong Williams |
Townhall - by Armstrong Williams - There are times when even the capture of the culprit fails to quench people’s thirst for justice. This usually happens in the wake of horrific, mind-bending crimes, like the shooting in Arizona last week that killed six people and injured scores of others. The gunman’s intended target, a congresswoman, has barely escaped with her life. But in the heated aftermath – sparked by comments by the Tucson Sherriff who was a close friend of two of the victims – there seems to be a wider indictment being brought by some in the media. He suggested that a general political climate of intolerance caused these events. These comments seem to be inspired more by grief over losing a couple of close friends than any actual evidence that publicly disclose about the motivation for these crimes. Following suit, pundits and commentators began to blame everyone - from Sarah Palin to Rush Limbaugh to Arizona’s gun law and even the gunman’s poor parents- for what happened. Almost everyone is being blamed except, of course, for the gunman himself. Read full column here:
Why a Voracious Appetite for Blame?
What if You Threw a Nuclear Tour Party and No One Came?
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
International News
From hotair.com -Iran has embarked on a big public-relations push to drive a wedge between the West and its trading partners in China and Russia this week. While warning the US that the West’s “last chance” for progress on talks had arrived, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad invited his friends to tour Iran’s nuclear facilities as a way to dodge the question of UN inspections. They RSVP’d in the negative, as did the EU:Iran’s proposal for a tour of its nuclear sites floundered on Thursday after China effectively rejected the invitation and Russia cautioned such a trip could never replace U.N. inspections or talks between Tehran and world powers. More here

What if You Threw a Nuclear Tour Party and No One Came?
Half of the States Now Suing to Stop Obamacare
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
National News,
U.S. Politics
From heritage.org -If it is allowed to be implemented, Obamacare will eventually do deep and irreparable harm to our nation’s budget deficit. But while Obamacare is more of a long-term threat to fiscal health at the federal level, it is a clear and present danger to the states. Of the 34 million Americans who gain health insurance through Obamacare, over half (18 million) will receive it through Medicaid. While Obamacare will pay for all of the benefit expansion for the first three years of the law, and 90% of it after that, Obamacare never pays for any of the state administrative costs for adding those 18 million Americans to their welfare rolls. That amounts to billions in unfunded federal mandates for states to absorb. That is why 33 Republican governors signed a letter to the White House and Congress making an emphatic appeal that Obamacare’s Medicaid provisions be repealed. More here

Half of the States Now Suing to Stop Obamacare
Soros-Funded Media Matters Tool Tells Tingles: “Glenn Beck Has Been Responsible For 3 Thwarted Assassination Attempts”…
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
National News,
U.S. Politics
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Chris Matthews |
Soros-Funded Media Matters Tool Tells Tingles: “Glenn Beck Has Been Responsible For 3 Thwarted Assassination Attempts”…
Map Symbols
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Neil Boortz |
Map Symbols
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Governor Susana Martinez announced yesterday that she is inviting all New Mexicans to submit their ideas to cut waste and reduce the size of government by sending an e-mail directly to the Governor’s office. Anyone interested in submitting a proposal can do so by writing to: CutWasteTips@state.nm.us “If we are going to balance the budget and restore prosperity in New Mexico, we will have to work together to identify and eliminate unnecessary costs,” said Governor Martinez. “I welcome ideas from my fellow New Mexicans as we work in the coming days and weeks to pass a balanced budget.
From day one, my administration has been committed to listening to the people we serve. Today, I am asking for their help as we work to cut wasteful spending, reduce the size of government, and put our state back on track.” Since taking office, Governor Martinez has ordered cuts across the executive branch of state government, including eliminating two chef positions and cutting salaries by 55 percent at the governor’s mansion, as well as trimming cabinet salaries by at least ten percent. On Monday, the Governor introduced a balanced budget proposal that trims government and eliminates inefficiencies, but protects classroom spending and health care for those most in need – all without raising taxes on a single New Mexican.

Brisbane Under Water
Posted by
Jim Spence
International News
CBC News - Floodwaters are slowly receding in Australia's third-largest city, but the people of Brisbane and other flood-ravaged Queensland communities were warned Thursday that they face a recovery of "postwar proportions." Floodwaters poured into more than 30,000 properties in the Brisbane area before the water peaked early in the morning. The swollen Brisbane River, which peaked at a lower level than expected, had already begun to recede by the afternoon, though water levels were expected to stay high for several days. Queensland Premier Anna Bligh made an emotional appeal to people affected by the flooding, calling on residents of the northeastern Australian state to pull together after "the worst natural disaster in our history and possibly in the history of our nation." Read full story here:

Brisbane Under Water
Illinois: Neighboring States Jobs Creation Gets Easier
Posted by
Jim Spence
Chicago Tribune - "You guys are nothing if not entertaining. It's like living next door to the Simpsons — the dysfunctional family down the block." —Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, commenting on Tuesday's spectacle in Springfield in an interview on WLS-AM's "Don Wade and Roma" show.
"Escape to Wisconsin."—Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, celebrating the Illinois General Assembly's votes to raise the personal and business income tax rates by 67 percent and 46 percent, respectively. The nation's laughing at us again. The nation's laughing and our neighbors are having fun at our expense, and who can blame them? Walker and Daniels are aggressively courting employers, and Illinois has made their jobs that much easier by passing a huge tax increase that will send businesses racing across the state line. Read full story here:

"Escape to Wisconsin."—Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, celebrating the Illinois General Assembly's votes to raise the personal and business income tax rates by 67 percent and 46 percent, respectively. The nation's laughing at us again. The nation's laughing and our neighbors are having fun at our expense, and who can blame them? Walker and Daniels are aggressively courting employers, and Illinois has made their jobs that much easier by passing a huge tax increase that will send businesses racing across the state line. Read full story here:
Illinois: Neighboring States Jobs Creation Gets Easier
Lebananon on the Verge of Chaos, Again
Posted by
Jim Spence
International News
Washington Times - Lebanon's year-old coalition government collapsed Wednesday amid fears that a United Nations report into the 2005 assassination of the country's prime minister will trigger a new civil war and plunge the Middle East into another conflict. "We may well be seeing the opening moves of the next Middle East war," said Bruce Riedel, a veteran U.S. national security official who is now a Middle East scholar at the Brookings Institution. The government in Beirut fell after 11 of 30 Cabinet ministers, all supporters of the Hezbollah-backed March 8 bloc, resigned - the culmination of a long tussle with other elements of the coalition over how to respond to a U.N. special tribunal investigating the killing. Hezbollah, a Shiite extremist group backed by Iran and Syria that the United States has designated a terrorist organization, is a legal political party with a large parliamentary caucus in Lebanon. Following inconclusive elections in 2009 and months of haggling, Hezbollah and its allies joined a unity government in Beirut. Read full story here:

Lebananon on the Verge of Chaos, Again