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Report on Holder does not ask why he did not know anything. |
'Fast and Furious' report slaps 14 at Justice, ATF
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Fast and Furious billboard draws fire
Posted by
Michael Swickard
NewsNM: Swickard - the best I can tell people are using the term "Racial" when they do not know what else to say about something that attacks their elected politicians. This Fast and Furious scandal still is being hidden from us, the people by President Obama. It would seem we will not get the truth about the scandal while Obama is in office. From KRQE-TV.com - A controversial billboard in Clovis is causing a lot of talk about possible racial wording. The message advertises the website MurderedMexicans.org. The man behind the board, Charles Abernathy of Odessa, Texas, says it's a grassroots effort to hold those responsible for the Fast and Furious fiasco. During what was supposed to be a sting operation federal agents lost track of weapons being illegally ship to Mexico. Some of those guns were later recovered at crime scenes including the killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Abernathy says he chose Clovis to advertise because he wants people to be aware of this operation outside of Texas. Read more

Fast and Furious billboard draws fire
House passes water leasing act for Mescalero Apaches
Posted by
Michael Swickard
From the Alamogordo Daily News - By John Bear, The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Mescalero Apache Tribe Leasing Authorization Act on Wednesday, according to a press release issued by Congressman Steve Pearce's office. The legislation, designated H.R. 1461, authorizes the Mescalero Apache tribe to lease, contract or transfer adjudicated water rights. It was cosponsored by Congressmen Lujan and Heinrich and matches the legislation from Senator Jeff Bingaman. Mescalero Apache tribal president Frederick Chino Sr. thanked Pearce for his work on the legislation, saying the bill allows the tribe to better manage its water and work with neighboring communities on water usage. A 1993 New Mexico court decision authorized the tribe to make soveriegn decisions with regard to its water. Revenue gained from leasing water enables the tribe to invest in services for their reservation, such as infrastructure improvements, elder care and scholarship programs. Read more
House passes water leasing act for Mescalero Apaches
Poker fans finally dealt a fair hand
Posted by
Michael Swickard

Commentary by Diane Dimond - The Great American pastime isn’t just one thing, it is lots of things. There is the game of baseball. There’s eating apple pie. And, there is poker. It’s the card game played by millions of Americans in nearly every community in every state of the union. The first two activities are perfectly legal, but poker? Well, that depends on where you play the game – at a card table or via the internet – and the state in which you live. I have such fond memories of playing poker I can’t imagine why some states still have laws labeling it as illegal gambling. When I was a kid growing up in Albuquerque my cash-strapped parents often had friends over for a rousing poker game. They threw modest New Year’s Eve parties where two-bit limit poker games were the centerpiece. After I moved out on my own, playing poker was a fun and inexpensive way to make new friends and interact with colleagues outside work. 
Well now, for the very first time, a federal judge in Brooklyn, New York has ruled on the legality of poker and come down squarely on the side of card players. Hooray for Judge Jack Weinstein who ruled that poker is a game of skill not a game of chance. Therefore, he proclaimed in a lengthy opinion, it cannot be considered illegal gambling. I hope the word spreads far and wide. Judge Weinstein wrote. “Expert poker players draw on an array of talents, including facility with numbers, knowledge of human psychology, and power of observation and deception.” And, as if equating continued poker playing to on-the-job training Weinstein pointed out, “Players can use these skills to win, even if chance has not dealt them the better hand. The most skillful professionals earn the same celestial salaries as professional ballplayers.” Weinstein’s decision stemmed from the case of Lawrence DiCristina, 33, who hosted regular “Texas Hold ‘Em” poker games in a space in Staten Island, New York. He was convicted of operating an illegal gambling house because he took 5% off the top to cover his expenses. (Rent, staff salaries, etc.) Judge Weinstein overturned DiCristina’s conviction saying that the defendant’s activity was simply not covered by the federal anti-gambling law. He added that the nation’s gambling statutes were aimed at organized crime rings, not a Mom and Pop operation like DiCristina’s. Think of it like another game of skill – chess – where the winner gets to take home an upfront bet. The chess player doesn’t win because they got lucky. They win because they have the experience and expertise to beat their opponent. It’s all about the skill. Read full column

Well now, for the very first time, a federal judge in Brooklyn, New York has ruled on the legality of poker and come down squarely on the side of card players. Hooray for Judge Jack Weinstein who ruled that poker is a game of skill not a game of chance. Therefore, he proclaimed in a lengthy opinion, it cannot be considered illegal gambling. I hope the word spreads far and wide. Judge Weinstein wrote. “Expert poker players draw on an array of talents, including facility with numbers, knowledge of human psychology, and power of observation and deception.” And, as if equating continued poker playing to on-the-job training Weinstein pointed out, “Players can use these skills to win, even if chance has not dealt them the better hand. The most skillful professionals earn the same celestial salaries as professional ballplayers.” Weinstein’s decision stemmed from the case of Lawrence DiCristina, 33, who hosted regular “Texas Hold ‘Em” poker games in a space in Staten Island, New York. He was convicted of operating an illegal gambling house because he took 5% off the top to cover his expenses. (Rent, staff salaries, etc.) Judge Weinstein overturned DiCristina’s conviction saying that the defendant’s activity was simply not covered by the federal anti-gambling law. He added that the nation’s gambling statutes were aimed at organized crime rings, not a Mom and Pop operation like DiCristina’s. Think of it like another game of skill – chess – where the winner gets to take home an upfront bet. The chess player doesn’t win because they got lucky. They win because they have the experience and expertise to beat their opponent. It’s all about the skill. Read full column
Poker fans finally dealt a fair hand
APS workers face insurance increases
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich

APS workers face insurance increases
Santa Fe Councilors take fluoride issue off ballot
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich

Santa Fe Councilors take fluoride issue off ballot
Endeavor to fly over Las Cruces Thursday
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich

Endeavor to fly over Las Cruces Thursday
ABQ council to weigh in on zoo fees
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich

ABQ council to weigh in on zoo fees
Martinez responds to Romney video
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich

Martinez responds to Romney video
Corrections Department revamps inmate work program
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich

Corrections Department revamps inmate work program
State short money for general election
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich

State short money for general election
Pot plants cleared from land in Torrance County
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich

Pot plants cleared from land in Torrance County
New Mexico poorest state in the nation
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich

New Mexico poorest state in the nation
Free admission at State Fair today
Posted by
Vanessa Dabovich

State Fair General Manager Dan Mourning says the goal is to make the fair affordable to everyone.
"We want every New Mexican to be able to enjoy the event we've worked so hard to put together, and we understand that the economy is still pretty tough out there for most people in our state," said Mourning.
Regular price admission will be in place on Thursday, Sept. 20, but they are offering half-price all-day ride wristbands on that day only.
Parking is free everyday throughout the State Fair.
Free admission at State Fair today
Martinez to Speak at Domenici Conference Today
Posted by
Jim Spence
Today Governor Susana Martinez will speak at the 2012 Domenici Public Policy Conference in Las Cruces. The conference is hosted by the Domenici Institute at New Mexico State University. The institute is named after Senator Pete Domenici, New Mexico’s longest-serving United States Senator. Governor Martinez will discuss the significant recent economic development in the border region as well as the state’s efforts to improve New Mexico’s business environment at 10:00 a.m. Martinez will make her remarks at the Las Cruces Convention Center, 680 East University Ave., Las Cruces

Martinez to Speak at Domenici Conference Today