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Dianna Duran |
Foreign Nationals Voted In NM Elections
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
on Wednesday, March 16, 2011
New Mexico News
Representatives: You Have Some Splaining To Do!
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
One thing we have noticed, particularly in the NM House of Representatives during this 60-day session is the continuation of a reprehensible practice that has gone on for as long as politicians have realized they could disguise and manipulate the perceptions of various constituents. Take the recent vote on a House Bill 644 designed to address the $5 billion unfunded pension liability in this state regarding public employees. While there is certainly room for debate on the best way for our elected officials to eliminate the widening gap between actuarial reality and what has been promised on behalf of taxpayers, there are eleven House members who owe every single New Mexican taxpayer an immediate explanation.

Equally curious are the votes of House Speaker Ben Lujan and Representative Moe Maestas. These two men also FLIPPED their votes. However, their curious votes flipped from being in favor of shoring up the pension funds, to further delaying this partial solution to the problem of soaring unfunded New Mexico taxpayer liabilities. What are we New Mexico taxpayers to infer when confronted with these vote-flipping tactics? What should we think of those employing them? Without very detailed explanations from each of these Representatives one has to conclude that their actions are brazen and duplicitous and were taken only with the intent to manipulate and disguise their true positions. Perhaps there was hope that nobody with a bullhorn would notice. Unfortunately for taxpayers, far too many times these types of cynical shell games are effective in enabling a clever politician to say one thing to one group of constituents and then say another thing to another group. Above all else this practice is the essence of self-deception. Instead of an elected official thinking this allows them to not actually "lie" to either group, all politicians should realize they will actually be lying to both groups.
Let’s set aside the voter I.D. debate for a minute. Can we have some elected official I.D.? Can we get it consistently, say, 24-7 and 365 days each year? What say the ladies and gentleman members of the 45 hour - 180 degree reversal club? Why did each of you flip a politically charged vote? Inquiring minds want to know!

Let’s set aside the voter I.D. debate for a minute. Can we have some elected official I.D.? Can we get it consistently, say, 24-7 and 365 days each year? What say the ladies and gentleman members of the 45 hour - 180 degree reversal club? Why did each of you flip a politically charged vote? Inquiring minds want to know!
Representatives: You Have Some Splaining To Do!
Census Shows Rio Rancho on Fire with Growth
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Santa Fe New Mexican - Santa Fe's growth during the last decade was outpaced by that of most New Mexico metropolitan areas, according to the 2010 Census. "The big story is that Santa Fe didn't grow as quickly as you would have thought," said Jack Baker, a demographer for The University of New Mexico's Bureau of Business and Economic Research. The April 1, 2010, count put Santa Fe city's population at 67,947 — up 9.2 percent from 2000 — Santa Fe County at 144,170 — up 11.5 percent. New Mexico's 2010 population is just over 2 million — up 13.2 percent from 2000. Rio Rancho topped the list of the state's fastest-growing cities, with an increase of 69.1 percent bringing its population to 87,521. Its home county, Sandoval, grew to 131,561, an increase of 46.3 percent. Albuquerque grew by 21.7 percent to 662,564. In Las Cruces, an increase of 31.4 percent brought the population to 97,618. Roswell's population increased to 48,366 — at 6.8 percent growth, the only New Mexico metropolitan area to grow more slowly than Santa Fe. Read full story here: News New Mexico

Census Shows Rio Rancho on Fire with Growth
Blacks and Republicans
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Thomas Sowell |
But the building restrictions-- and outright bans-- resulting from the political crusades of environmentalist zealots sent housing prices skyrocketing in San Francisco, San Jose and most of the communities in between. Housing prices in these communities soared to about three times the national average. The black population in three adjacent counties on the San Francisco peninsula is just under 3 percent of the total population in the 39 communities in those counties. It so happens that these are counties where the voters and the officials they elect are virtually all liberal Democrats.

Blacks and Republicans
Williams: Continuing Stubborn Ignorance
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Walter Williams |

Therefore, statements such as "Under Barack Obama, government spending has increased 21 percent," and "Under Barack Obama, welfare spending has increased 54 percent" are just plain nonsense, if they are suggesting that Obama has increased spending. Credit or blame, whether it's a balance budget, budget surplus, budget deficit or national debt, lies with the U.S. Congress. Knowing where constitutional authority for taxing and spending is vital to our nation. No matter how we feel about President Obama, if we buy into the notion that it's he who's doing the taxing and spending, adding to our debt and deficits, we will focus our attention on trying to restrain the president. That will leave Congress less politically culpable for our deepening quagmire. Of course, if you're a congressman, not being held accountable is what you want. Read full column: News New Mexico
Williams: Continuing Stubborn Ignorance
Pearce Has Had Enough
Posted by
Jim Spence
U.S. Politics
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Steve Pearce |
Pearce has received numerous communications from constituents in recent weeks saying that the cuts so far have not been enough, and that the federal deficit must be eliminated. “Today’s proposal is unacceptable,” said Pearce. “As a former small business owner, I know that you can’t run any organization week-to-week. As an American, I know legislation is needed that takes seriously the looming debt crisis, and the economic problems faced in homes across the country.
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Continuing Resolution |
The people have said that they want Washington to stop spending money we don’t have for programs we don’t need. The people have had to tighten their belts, and the federal government must do the same. We were sent to Washington to act on the will of the people, not to control the lives of the people. It is time that Washington begins to listen.” Constituents have also contacted Rep. Pearce to express concerns over ObamaCare, for which today’s Continuing Resolution includes long-term mandatory funding. Small-business owners have complained that the law increases costs and kills jobs. Other constituents find themselves struggling to keep up with rising healthcare and insurance costs because of the new law.
In addition to voting against today’s Continuing Resolution, Mr. Pearce also signed a letter to House leadership asking that no funding to ObamaCare be included in the next Continuing Resolution. Constituents have also expressed concerns over federal funding for abortion through Planned Parenthood, and for abortions in the District of Columbia. Since being elected last November, Pearce has spoken out for job creation as the best way to restore the economy. In addition to advocating necessary cuts, he has argued for a regulatory balance to increase job growth in industries burdened by overregulation. He plans to introduce several pieces of legislation for job creation this week.
Pearce Has Had Enough
Film Bill On It's Way to Martinez
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Governor Matinez |
Santa Fe, NM- The big question is this, will Governor sign it or veto it? What youask? A film tracking and accountability measure sponsored by Albuquerque Senator Tim Keller (D-Bernalillo-17), that is on its way to the Governor for her signature. Senate Bill 44 (SB 44) was passed 44-1 by the New Mexico House of Representatives Tuesday, March 15. Sen. Keller says his bill "Would make a clear assessment of the impact of New Mexico's Film Production Tax Credit and put to rest the ongoing debate over whether the film incentives are a strong benefit to the state." Sen. Keller said SB44 requires increased film industry responsibility, transparency and accountability in order to be rewarded with the state tax credit. "With passage of SB44 we'll be able to see actual, not estimated results," Keller said, and to "know for sure exactly how beneficial this program is to our state."
Film Bill On It's Way to Martinez
Driver's Licenses Political Ping Pong Continues
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Santa Fe – On Tuesday night, members of the House GOP joined with 7 Democrats, and one Independent, to make sure New Mexicans finally get what they want. On a procedural move, the House voted to deny watered-down changes to House Bill 78 added by the Senate. When HB 78 passed out of the House, it required a social security number for any New Mexican to get a driver’s license. While in the Senate, changes to HB 78 took away the social security requirement, continuing the practice of giving drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. A published poll shows over 70% of New Mexicans want the version of HB 78 that was passed out of the House. A message will now be sent to the Senate to agree to the House version of HB 78. If the Senate declines, a conference committee will determine the final version of the bill.
Driver's Licenses Political Ping Pong Continues
Chasey: Why I Support Current Driver's License Law
Posted by
Jim Spence
NMPolitics - During the heated 2010 election, the Albuquerque Journal published results of a survey that showed a large majority of voters in favor of ending the practice of allowing “illegal immigrants” to get drivers’ licenses in the state. What if the question had been: Should foreign nationals pay the same car registration fees and be required to carry the same car insurance as N.M. residents? I believe the majority of New Mexicans would have answered “yes.” But the debate was framed to play on people’s fears rather than focusing on reasonable differences and possible solutions. Our governor calls the law dangerous, but it isn’t the law that’s dangerous – it’s the rhetoric. It divides us as a society. Read full column here: News New Mexico

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Rep. Gail Chasey |
Chasey: Why I Support Current Driver's License Law
House Reverses Itself Passes ERB Changes
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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Mimi Stewart |
House Reverses Itself Passes ERB Changes