The Equal Access to "Justice" Scam
Posted by
Jim Spence
on Monday, July 11, 2011
Inside Tucson Business - For years Tucson has tried to create a positive image of itself to attract new business. Tucson wants to be the biotech center of America. Tucson wants to be the solar capital of America. But Tucson already has a well-established identity in America. Tucson is the environmental litigation factory capitol of America. Tucson is home to the Center for Biological Diversity which has been spewing out lawsuits over alleged violations of the Endangered Species Act. And the CBD has been raking in millions in legal fees for these lawsuits under the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA). Nationally the CBD has become the poster child of a litigious environmental group...prompting Congress to actually try and reform the Equal Access to Justice Act and cut off the pipeline of taxpayer money to the CBD and other similar environmental litigation factories such as Western Watershed Project and WildEarth Guardians. CBD engages in what some call the "EAJA racket". Here is how it works according to Ted Williams who had a commentary in the Tucson Weekly. Read full story here: News New Mexico
Study Shows Oil and Gas Critical to State Pensions
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Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Study Shows Oil and Gas Critical to State Pensions
PNM: Changing Stand on Wind Power
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Forbes - FARMINGTON, N.M. -- Public Service Company of New Mexico is challenging a directive from state regulators that it buy more wind power for its electricity customers. A PNM spokeswoman initially said the utility would comply with a state Public Regulation Commission order by spending up to $6 million annually for wind power from a New Mexico plant. But the company, which is a unit of Albuquerque, N.M.-based PNM Resources Inc. ( PNMPRA - news - people ), changed course last week and now says it will fight the commission's order. Read full story here: News New Mexico

PNM: Changing Stand on Wind Power
Washington Must Listen to Americans, Face Debt Crisis
Posted by
Jim Spence
Steve Pearce |
As a result, New Mexico suffers. Our small businesses can’t survive, because every new program comes with new regulations, new taxes, and new ways to choke off productivity. Our people struggle to make ends meet as prices rise and government promises fail. The President recently joked that “shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected.” But to New Mexicans out of work, broken promises are no laughing matter. In 2009, the President promised that by spending even more taxpayer money, he could keep unemployment below 8 percent. Unemployment is now 9.2%.
Knowing how desperately our state needs job creation, I proposed legislation earlier this year to help put New Mexicans back to work. Overbearing restrictions have killed over 20,000 logging jobs nationwide. So, I introduced a simple, two-page bill that says the government should get out the way and let American businesses create the timber jobs that once drove local communities. Common sense ideas like these can create hundreds of thousands of jobs in America. Americans made their voices heard last November, and they are continuing to do so. We are tired of our money being wasted on programs we don’t need and can’t afford. We are afraid for the futures of our children and grandchildren. We are tired of struggling to pay our bills while we watch Congress continue to rack up more debt. We are tired of Washington politicians not making tough decisions and standing firm. It is time to stop kicking the can down the road. It is time for real, serious solutions to our national debt. I am ready to tell Washington, “Enough is enough.” I will continue to stand against Washington’s wasteful spending, and demand that we face our nation’s debt crisis.
Washington Must Listen to Americans, Face Debt Crisis
Obama Threatens to Shut Down Govt with Veto
Posted by
Jim Spence
U.S. Politics
NewsNM note (Spence) - Last week officials in the Obama administration said repeatedly that the failure to raise the $14.3 trillion debt limit would be an unprecedented event that would lead to default and economic catastrophe. Yesterday the president threatened to veto a bill that would avert an economic catastrophe if it was less than 90 days. -
Washington Times - President Obama declared Monday he would veto a short-term extension of the nation’s debt limit as he tried again to pressure congressional Republican leaders to accept tax increases in a long-range plan to reduce deficits by $4 trillion over the next decade. “I will not sign a 30-day, or a 60-day, or a 90-day extension,” Mr. Obama said at a news conference in the White House press briefing room.
“That is just not an acceptable approach. This is the United States of America. We don’t manage our affairs in three-month increments.” As the deficit-reduction talks dragged on with little progress, some congressional leaders have suggested a short-term deal to raise the nation’s debt ceiling of $14.29 trillion before the Aug. 2 deadline. But Mr. Obama said he is insisting on an agreement that will cover government borrowing beyond the November 2012 elections. “If we think it’s hard now, imagine how these guys are going to be thinking six months from now in the middle of election season,” Mr. Obama said of congressional lawmakers. “We might as well do it now. Pull off the Band-Aid. Eat our peas. If not now, when?” Read full story here: News New Mexico
Washington Times - President Obama declared Monday he would veto a short-term extension of the nation’s debt limit as he tried again to pressure congressional Republican leaders to accept tax increases in a long-range plan to reduce deficits by $4 trillion over the next decade. “I will not sign a 30-day, or a 60-day, or a 90-day extension,” Mr. Obama said at a news conference in the White House press briefing room.
Obama Threatens to Shut Down Govt with Veto
Justice Department 2009: We're Doing Gun "Tracing"
Posted by
Jim Spence
U.S. Politics
Eric Holder |
It would seem that the U.S. Department of Justice has now found itself knee deep in the burgeoning story of incompetence now becoming known as the "Fast and Furious" scandal. The stories of the participants and suspected participants at DOJ and ATF are beginning to diverge. Take a look at this video of Deputy U.S. Attorney General David Ogden back in 2009. In it he explains to the media that "The president has directed us to take action to fight these cartels, and Attorney General Holder and I are taking several new and aggressive steps as part of the administration's comprehensive plan," with economic stimulus funds. View the video here: News New Mexico
Justice Department 2009: We're Doing Gun "Tracing"
55% Say Reduced Gov't Spending Good for Economy
Posted by
Jim Spence
National News
Rasmussen - President Obama and Congress are currently debating how deep to cut government spending and whether to include some tax increases as part of a budget deal. But voters feel more strongly than ever that decreasing government spending is good for the economy and think tax increases of any kind are bad economic medicine. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 55% of Likely U.S. Voters now think decreases in government spending help the economy. Twenty-four percent (24%) believe decreased spending hurts the economy, while 11% say it has no impact. Read full story here: News New Mexico

55% Say Reduced Gov't Spending Good for Economy
Doan: Entitlement Abuse Everywhere
Posted by
Jim Spence
Lurita Doan |
Doan: Entitlement Abuse Everywhere
Obama Proposes Tax Hikes On Low Income Families
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Rachel Pulaski
U.S. Politics

Obama Proposes Tax Hikes On Low Income Families
Bingaman Reverse: "Ethanol Subsidies Should End"
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News,
U.S. Politics

Bingaman Reverse: "Ethanol Subsidies Should End"
King Spokesman Calls Marshall an Extortionist
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Gary King |
King Spokesman Calls Marshall an Extortionist
Redistricting Committee Gears Up
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
Sander Rue |
Redistricting Committee Gears Up
Geithner Makes Talk Show Circuit
Posted by
Jim Spence
U.S. Politics
Tim Geithner |
Geithner Makes Talk Show Circuit
Spending/Debt Reduction Deal Stuck in the Mud
Posted by
Jim Spence
U.S. Politics
Speaker Boehner and President Obama |
Spending/Debt Reduction Deal Stuck in the Mud