UNM Hires Former Notre Dame Coach
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New York City braces for 'tens of thousands' of protesters set to march on Financial District
Posted by
Michael Swickard
National News

New York City braces for 'tens of thousands' of protesters set to march on Financial District
Welcome to a new era of democracy
Posted by
Michael Swickard

Welcome to a new era of democracy
Mexican Governors to Meet With Gov. Martinez
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
International News,
New Mexico News
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Gov. Martinez |
Mexican Governors to Meet With Gov. Martinez
Feds Looking at Richardson Again
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News Analysis
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Bill Richardson |
Feds Looking at Richardson Again
N.M. Regulators Approve Dairy Settlement
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News
From cbsnews.com -New Mexico water regulators on Wednesday adopted a settlement that puts to rest a dispute over the regulation of millions of tons of waste produced each year by the state's $2.6 billion dairy industry. The dairy rule was first approved by the commission last year in the final month of former Democratic Gov. Bill Richardson's administration. It was meant to protect New Mexico's groundwater from dairy discharges, but the industry appealed and months of negotiations ensued. More News New Mexico

N.M. Regulators Approve Dairy Settlement
Harbison: Election by Apathy
Posted by
Jim Spence
Guest Columns
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Jim Harbison |
Well we have experienced another City election and the Progressive movement has taken firm and total control over the City Council. Now there isn’t even a token conservative on the Council to speak for the conservative community. Mayor Miyagishima proudly proclaimed his election by a significant majority. I would contend that he and this Council were elected by a landside - a landslide of apathy since he was elected by about 11% of the eligible voters. More than 80% of the registered voters failed to vote for him or participate in the one of the most sacred rights of our American form of government - the right to vote. Failure to vote does not indicate support for the direction the City Council has taken in the past any more than it indicates disappointment. It just reflects a serious apathy and that the public doesn’t care one way or the other. It could also indicate that the public feels so disenfranchised that voting no longer matters. Implementation of unpopular programs like mandatory recycling certainly leads to this sense of futility. During this campaign cycle candidates knocked on doors to discuss their position with the public only to be told “I don’t vote in City elections because it doesn’t matter. Our elected officials don’t pay any attention to what the public wants”. What a sad commentary.

As we know, there are those who are convinced that “government” knows what is best for each of us and that government must intervene in our daily lives to “protect” us from ourselves. It is those with this belief that are now in control of the City Council. As a result we can anticipate seeing an increased amount of social programs and government intervention in our daily lives. After all, Progressives are convinced that their values are superior and everyone must live by their value system. They have never advocated allowing individual freedom of choice but rather dictating how everyone else is supposed to live and limit or direct what they can or cannot do.
The saddest part of this election may be the fact that the number of registered voters for each party, as well as independents had shown a significant increase since the last election. And yet, the actual number and percentage of those who voted in this election were considerably lower than the last Mayoral election. Successful and prosperous cities require citizen involvement. Not just the involvement of the activists or special interest groups but the citizenry as a whole.
Las Cruces is a great city and it has lured or inspired many people to move here. What draws people to make the commitment to move into a community and then dampens their interest in selecting its leaders for the future? It would seem that they should have a significant vested interest in the future direction of the city they had chosen to live in no matter if they moved here to work or retire. Many claim they don’t know enough about what is going on in the city to make a decision about political races even though they have lived here for several years. They should because policies of any city determine the quality of life they will experience and the amount of individual freedoms they will retain.
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Las Cruces City Hall |
From my perspective, those of you who failed to vote have forfeited your right to be heard. This applies to all political parties or groups as well. You have demonstrated that you have no concern about the future of the City or your individual rights and freedoms. You have also failed to confirm or reject the policies of the City Council or help them with its future direction. Every time a public policy requires a private citizen to ask government for permission, another freedom is lost. There are many policies the City is proposing that will require you to ask for their permission so it is imperative you become responsible citizens and get involved.
Harbison: Election by Apathy
NM Foreclosures Up 75%
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
New Mexico News
From durangoherald.com -Initial foreclosure actions filed in New Mexico district courts against homeowners jumped 75 percent last month, according to new data released last week. Irvine, Calif.-based RealtyTrac said initial foreclosure filings rose from 350 in September to 611 in October. Still, the pace of these initial filings was down from the 663 reported statewide in October 2010. More News New Mexico

NM Foreclosures Up 75%
Obama Administration Pushing Hunters Off Public Lands
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
National News,
U.S. Politics
Hat Tip Tracy From usnews.com -Gun owners who have historically been able to use public lands for target practice would be barred from potentially millions of acres under new rules drafted by the Interior Department, the first major move by the Obama administration to impose limits on firearms. Officials say the administration is concerned about the potential clash between gun owners and encroaching urban populations who like to use same land for hiking and dog walking. More News New Mexico

Obama Administration Pushing Hunters Off Public Lands
Obama's Union Backers Also "Occupy" Backers
Posted by
Jim Spence
Labor Unions,
U.S. Politics
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AFL-CIO Pres. Richard Trumka |
Obama's Union Backers Also "Occupy" Backers
Sowards: An Ounce of Prevention
Posted by
Jim Spence
Guest Columns
By U.S. Senate Candidate Greg Sowards - I have always been an advocate for maintaining the rule of law in America. There are many laws at the federal level that are currently unenforced, particularly in the southern states that border Mexico. When it comes to illegal immigration, I believe the federal government should enforce the laws that are on the books or hand authority and the grants necessary for the states to enforce the laws, that they might rise as effective partners with Washington. Most Americans have heard the old adage by Benjamin Franklin, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” A recent article entitled “Predator Use Soars at U.S.-Mexico Border” pointed out the power of prevention when it comes to supporting our uniformed guards at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
According to the article by Christopher Sherman of the Associated Press, a Predator B surveillance aircraft, equipped with infrared and thermal imaging cameras was able to help a border patrol find two illegal immigrants that the naked eye could not find.
What shocked me is that the Predator B that was added to the Border Patrol arsenal was only the fifth drone that the force was utilizing and that a sixth drone was slated to be added in Arizona at the year's end. At a cost of $18.5 million, the Predator systems – the plane, control consoles, and sensors – are a bargain when compared to the price of physical barriers. In roughly 10,000 hours of operation, they have helped the border patrol apprehend 7,500 people and intercept over 23 tons of illegal drugs.
Two controllers – a pilot and a sensor operator – man each drone. They operate out of trailers and the Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) is constantly criticized for its high cost. Really? Let's compare the cost of the UAS at $18.5 million to the U.S. Government loan to Solyndra at $535 million. Apples to oranges? Maybe. However, the Obama Administration's agenda of killing the fossil fuels industry in America may have clouded the primary purpose of government which is to defend our sovereign borders.

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Greg Sowards |
According to the article by Christopher Sherman of the Associated Press, a Predator B surveillance aircraft, equipped with infrared and thermal imaging cameras was able to help a border patrol find two illegal immigrants that the naked eye could not find.
What shocked me is that the Predator B that was added to the Border Patrol arsenal was only the fifth drone that the force was utilizing and that a sixth drone was slated to be added in Arizona at the year's end. At a cost of $18.5 million, the Predator systems – the plane, control consoles, and sensors – are a bargain when compared to the price of physical barriers. In roughly 10,000 hours of operation, they have helped the border patrol apprehend 7,500 people and intercept over 23 tons of illegal drugs.

Solyndra, then, a failing company that was propped up by the U.S. taxpayers and then went belly up was given a loan which could have been spent to buy 28 Predator B drones to give to the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol. This amount of unmanned aerial vehicles would have expanded the fleet by a factor of seven and would have provided California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas with the tools necessary to monitor our borders, maximizing the efficiency of our current boots on the ground in apprehending and immediately deporting immigrants crossing into America illegally.
President Obama's decision to focus on deporting only those illegal immigrants that have committed felonies, due the high cost of apprehending and deporting non-violent undocumented souls, weakens the rule of law in this country. The Predator drone is a force multiplier. The American people deserve to know that their government is intent on protecting the borders of the nation and enforcing the rule of law. Maximizing the number and presence of unmanned surveillance aircraft in our southern border fleet is a solution whose time has come. It is time for Washington to consider adding an ounce of prevention to the forces defending our southern flank. I believe that completing the construction of a physical barrier on our southern border is necessary to demarcate our nation’s sovereign limits; beefing up our reconnaissance capacity with UAVs is both an interim and long-term homeland security solution that should be implemented without fail in the near term.
Sowards: An Ounce of Prevention
Pearce: It is Time for Eric Holder to Resign
Posted by
Jim Spence
U.S. Politics
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Steve Pearce |
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Eric Holder |
“Attorney General Eric Holder was not forthright in his previous testimony before Congress, and continues to raise far more questions than he has answers,” said Pearce. “He provides contradicting statements on what he knew and when he knew it about ‘Operation Fast and Furious.’ Before the House Judiciary Committee in May, he claimed he only learned of the operation’s existence ‘in the last few weeks.’ In reality, he received briefings on the details of the program as early as July 2010.”
“Despite a subpoena, the Attorney General is uncooperative with investigators,” Pearce continued. “Documents are heavily redacted, and his testimony is totally inconsistent with the evidence that we have already seen. ![]() |
Brian Terry |
Pearce: It is Time for Eric Holder to Resign
OccuFail:7 of the Top 10 Wealthiest Members of Congress Are Dems
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
U.S. Politics
From pjmedia.com - Yes America, there is a wealth gap. Seven of the top ten wealthiest members in Congress are Democrats. If Rep. Jane Harmon (D-CA) had not abruptly resigned from Congress last year after winning re-election, eight of the ten wealthiest members of Congress would be from the common man’s party. The results are based on a new study released today by the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics. The Center did an analysis of the financial statements filed by members of Congress for 2010 income and net worth. This revelation of extreme wealth by Democratic of course is completely contrary to the image of the Democratic Party. The issue of the Democratic Party as the millionaire party has not yet made it into the mainstream media. But the facts are indisputable. Democratic members of Congress tend to be wealthier than their Republican counterparts. More News New Mexico

OccuFail:7 of the Top 10 Wealthiest Members of Congress Are Dems
NM Gains 23,167 People From Other States in 2010
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
New Mexico Business Journal - New Mexico had a net influx of 23,167 people from other states in 2010, according to information released Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau. During the year, 73,605 people moved to the state, while 50,438 left for other states, the Census Bureau said. The largest influx of new residents came from Texas, 18,511; California, 6,547; Arizona, 6,117; Nevada, 4,192; and Florida, 3,259. New Mexico lost 11,725 residents to Texas; 4,632 to California; Arizona, 4,419; Colorado, 3,921; and Oklahoma, 2,723. According to the Census Bureau, 11.6 percent, or 45.3 million, of the nation’s population moved into a different residence in 2010, the lowest rate since it began keeping the data in 1948. Read full story here: News New Mexico

NM Gains 23,167 People From Other States in 2010