Feds Warn States About Medical Marijuana But Not NM
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
on Wednesday, May 4, 2011
New Mexico News,
U.S. Politics

Coulter: Next Time, Use FedEx
Posted by
Michael Swickard

Coulter: Next Time, Use FedEx
Jeff and Lovejoy Offer Kind Words for Martinez
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
NMPolitics - Though many Democratic lawmakers aren’t impressed with the job Gov. Susana Martinez has done thus far, two Democratic state lawmakers who represent an area that’s often forgotten have a different take. The praise for the Republican governor comes from Sen. Lynda Lovejoy and Rep. Sandra Jeff, Democratic lawmakers from Crownpoint who are both Navajo. It follows the appointment by Martinez of a Navajo to be the state’s Indian affairs secretary, and a legislative session in which both found some common ground with the governor.

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Sandra Jeff |
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Lynda Lovejoy |
“I do admire her willingness and her openness and her accessibility,” Lovejoy said in a recent interview. “I’m not going to say Navajos are going to change their party affiliation and vote for her. It’s too soon. But it’s a good start for her, in my point of view.” Jeff heaped even more praise on Martinez, saying she’s done such a good job of reaching out that some Navajo Democrats are considering becoming Republicans. “There’s a common ground, and they see it in her,” Jeff said of Martinez. Read full story here: News New Mexico
Jeff and Lovejoy Offer Kind Words for Martinez
Fake Bureaucrats Hitting Restaurants
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) has received multiple reports from food establishments across the state of individuals impersonating health inspectors. The individuals often call the food establishment and utilize multiple techniques to convince owners of the validity of the call including providing names and inspector id numbers. The callers often state a new inspector has been assigned to the establishment and then attempt to set up an inspection time that may require food establishment owners to call a number and enter a pin to confirm the inspection time. Food establishment owners should never give business or personal information to callers or visitors claiming to be health inspectors.
NMED would like to make food establishments aware of the following criteria which will help identify legitimate inspectors:· Inspectors never accept cash payment for inspections. Permit fee must be paid by a check or money order made payable to the “New Mexico Environment Department.”
· Inspectors do not charge for grade emblems, permits, or food safety signs
When in doubt, NMED encourages food establishments to verify the identity of health inspectors by calling the nearest environment department field office. Food Establishment owners are also encouraged to call their local law enforcement agency if the validity of a call or visit is in doubt.
NMED Field Office contact information can be found at: http://www.nmenv.state.nm.us/contact.htm
Fake Bureaucrats Hitting Restaurants
A Partisan Tale of Two Captures
Posted by
Jim Spence
Commentary Magazine - NewNM note (Spence) - We get two views from the same woman, the woman New Mexico house members Ben Ray Lujan and Martin Heinrich swear their leadership allegiance to. Nancy Pelosi offered her views on a capture and/or killing of Osama bin Laden during the Bush presidency during a press conference on September 7, 2006: [E]ven if [Osama bin Laden] is caught tomorrow, it is five years too late. He has done more damage the longer he has been out there. But, in fact, the damage that he has done . . . is done. And even to capture him now I don’t think makes us any safer.
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Nancy Pelosi |
And here’s Nancy Pelosi yesterday: The death of Osama bin Laden marks the most significant development in our fight against al-Qaida. . . . I salute President Obama, his national security team, Director Panetta, our men and women in the intelligence community and military, and other nations who supported this effort for their leadership in achieving this major accomplishment. . . . [T]he death of Osama bin Laden is historic. . . .
What changed? Read full story here: News New Mexico
A Partisan Tale of Two Captures
Harbison: Politics of Denigration
Posted by
Jim Spence
Guest Columns
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Jim Harbison |
In this age of constant bitter political mudslinging, casting any doubt or putting a negative moniker on your opponent is the rule of the day. As soon as someone learns that an individual is running for an elected office the volley of nasty bitter partisan attacks begin. They start with name calling using terms such as racist, environmental wacko, tea-bagger, conspiracy theorist, Christian zealot, or some other type of extremist. Now that we are beginning another campaign cycle at both the National and local levels we can anticipate that these slanderous attacks and character assassinations will begin with ever increasing volume and viciousness.

Unfortunately, once a candidate is identified all protections against slander seem to disappear. They have instantly become a public figure and are no longer protected by the same laws that protect the private citizen. They are immediately forced to defend their reputation from these malicious allegations rather than focusing on the important political issues. It isn’t important or even relative that the slanderous and malicious remarks lack any creditability. This is truly unfortunate because it takes a lot of personal courage to run for any political office and many highly qualified and talented individuals refuse to have their reputations and character sullied and damaged by the irresponsible comments and accusations made by supporters of their political opposition.

Regrettably, our political process is not concerned with civility and mutual respect but is focused on winning at all costs. We all acknowledge that the quest for political power and control is all consuming. Power and greed will always make winning the most important objective and that some candidates will resort to any means to win. When will we demand more from our political system and the candidates? As voters we must demand that all candidates repudiate this type of character denigration and insist there will be consequences if it occurs. We cannot be so focused on winning that we willingly accept or condone malicious attacks that can become destructive to the candidate, the political process or our community. We need to keep this in mind as the political season descends upon us and try to keep focused on the issues and not be distracted by the malicious and slanderous comments made about the candidates.
Harbison: Politics of Denigration
Williams: Speculators is Code for "Market Pricing"
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Walter Williams |
Williams: Speculators is Code for "Market Pricing"
Record Cold Temps BLAME GAME
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
KOB TV - The blame game continues for the February gas outage that left thousands of New Mexicans in the cold, but a new report in Santa Fe could clear New Mexico Gas Company of any possible wrongdoing. At a Public Regulation Commission hearing Tuesday, KOB Eyewitness News 4 obtained a staff report from a PRC engineer that basically says the gas company followed policies, regulations and the law when it cut off gas to thousands of customers. During the hearing, New Mexico gas officials went over presentations they have been using to justify cutting off large parts of northern and southern New Mexico from natural gas during a severe cold snap.
One of those slides showed a world map of average temperature fluctuations for the storm right before the outage. On the slide, parts of New Mexico and Antarctica experienced the most severe temperature fluctuations. The report from PRC staff says New Mexico Gas tried to get large customers to voluntarily reduce their gas use before they were forced to take communities like Taos and Espanola offline in order to avoid a system wide crash. It also says the company tried to buy extra gas before the cold snap but the supply was interrupted by shortages. Company representatives said they based their decisions on which areas could be shut off the fastest. Read full story here: News New Mexico

One of those slides showed a world map of average temperature fluctuations for the storm right before the outage. On the slide, parts of New Mexico and Antarctica experienced the most severe temperature fluctuations. The report from PRC staff says New Mexico Gas tried to get large customers to voluntarily reduce their gas use before they were forced to take communities like Taos and Espanola offline in order to avoid a system wide crash. It also says the company tried to buy extra gas before the cold snap but the supply was interrupted by shortages. Company representatives said they based their decisions on which areas could be shut off the fastest. Read full story here: News New Mexico
Record Cold Temps BLAME GAME
Russell: Is Heinrich Too Sexy?
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Brigette Russell |
Russell: Is Heinrich Too Sexy?
Sowards Loans Campaign $150k
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News,
U.S. Politics
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Greg Sowards |
Sowards Loans Campaign $150k
Gary Johnson Part of 1st "Debate"
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News,
U.S. Politics
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Gary Johnson |
Gary Johnson Part of 1st "Debate"
Why "TAX the RICH" Polls Pretty Well
Posted by
Jim Spence
U.S. Politics
Accounting Today - A new analysis by Congress’s nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation found that 51 percent of U.S. households did not pay any federal income tax in 2009. The report was unveiled during a hearing Tuesday by the Senate Finance Committee on the distribution of tax benefits and burdens in the Tax Code. “American taxpayers are skeptical that the answer to our fiscal problems is for them to sacrifice more, when almost half of all households are not paying any income taxes,” said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the ranking Republican member on the committee. “Those who promote higher income tax rates in the name of equality and deficit reduction need to come clean about what this means. With the income tax base so narrow, meaningful reductions in our deficits would require far more than taxes on the rich. Those tax increases would squarely hit the middle class, which the President and others have said is off limits. In short, the quest for social equality results in fewer resources and worse outcomes for the nation as a whole and the poor in particular.”

Why "TAX the RICH" Polls Pretty Well
Lt. Governor Sanchez to Appear on NewsNM
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
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John Sanchez |
Lt. Governor Sanchez to Appear on NewsNM