It's never been more obvious than it is already in this sixty-day session. A red hot issue like gun control or same-sex marriage will draw hundreds of New Mexicans, from even the farthest-flung corners of the state, all the way to the Capitol in Santa Fe. But the hearings are held mostly in itty-bitty committee rooms, some of them limited to 35 or 40 people. Everybody else lines up in the hall outside, waiting for somebody inside to vacate their seat. They're unable to speak their piece or hear what's going on.
The Capitol was built back in 1966, when the Beatles were still together and Elvis wasn't even fat yet and the state's population was way less than half of the two million we have now. That leads to the frustrating situation today.
Unfortunately, this situation doesn't look like it will be changing anytime soon. That's because there isn't any money lying around to expand the Capitol or build a new one. And consider this: as crowded as the building is during legislative sessions, it's mostly empty the other 10 or 11 months of the year. Read more