Rio Grande water restored to Albuquerque customers
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Sunday, July 31, 2011
New Mexico News

Home-Schooled Student Says She Can’t Get Lottery Scholarship
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Home-Schooled Student Says She Can’t Get Lottery Scholarship
Posted by
Michael Swickard
Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the best quotes in all this drama about the debt ceiling:"I could end the deficit in 5 minutes," he told CNBC. "You just pass a law that says that any time there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress and Senate are ineligible for re-election."

Albuquerque man loses cash
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Albuquerque man loses cash
Vote looms for a debt-limit deal
Posted by
Michael Swickard
National News

Vote looms for a debt-limit deal
Bloomberg News takes a look at Spaceport; Richardson says it’s his “legacy”
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Bloomberg News takes a look at Spaceport; Richardson says it’s his “legacy”
State hitches extra cost to towing bills
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

State hitches extra cost to towing bills
While Congress Negotiates, Obama Takes Some Time Off to Raise Costs and Kill Automobile Manufacturing Jobs
Posted by
Jim Spence
Spence Columns
President Obama's plan to double fuel efficiency standards for cars and light-duty trucks by 2025 received applause from environmentalists who have been pushing against the demands of consumer choice for decades. And why wouldn't they cheer?
During the two-year U.S. borrowing binge, normally "conservation oriented" radical environmentalists have cheered the accumulation of trillions in debt. They have cheered the way the new Obama-led EPA has set about the task of killing the coal industry and driving up the cost of electricity. And along with these job-killing efforts they also cheer the increasing prospects for more rolling blackouts. Blackouts kill jobs too.
Radical environmentalists have also cheered the stonewalling of domestic oil drilling everywhere. And with the blood of dead oil independence still wet on their hands, they call for America to reduce its foreign energy dependence. They have also cheered on wasteful taxpayer subsidies for ethanol, a policy that drives up corn prices and results in absolutely no reduction in net CO-2 emissions. There is so much more. They cheered when hundreds of jets landed in Denmark for a climate change conference to talk about how evil..... jet airplanes are. And they cheered again when every gas guzzling limousine within a hundred miles of Copenhagen had been leased by the most eminent "planet savers" so they could ride back and forth between their five star hotels and the meeting place, and pontificate on the evils of.....well.....of those damned gas guzzlers.
And so it was on Friday when President Barack Obama announced new fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks at the Washington Convention Center that nearly everyone in attendance cheered. Hapless automakers, clearly under threats of additional regulatory harassment, had been strong-armed into agreeing to hike the average fuel economy standard to 54.5 miles per gallon over fourteen years. No doubt Obama's limo will get a waiver while all the little people are forced to ride in little cars. Still, there the president stood, in all his glory, having ignored all common sense calls to reign in his base. Since 2009 radicals with his ear have been successful in blocking efforts to produce nearly everything, everything except the most heavily subsidized and inefficient forms of energy known to man. The president smiled and congratulated himself for engineering what he called the, "Single most important step we've ever taken as a nation to reduce our dependence on foreign oil."
With a couple trillion dollars of "stimulus dollars" all but down the drain Obama remains undeterred. With all of that taxpayer money that was central to Obama's big plan to hold unemployment at 8% and then lower it, Obama continued his to assert his historic obliviousness. As he spoke first quarter GDP reports were released that showed growth estimates for the first quarter of 2010 had fallen from a pathetic 1.9%, to an astonishingly sickening reality of .4%. Then later in the day White House Press Secretary Jay Carney had the gall to treat everyone in attendance to some economic tutoring. He did so while he explained why we had to borrow more money because we couldn't afford to have interest rates go up. Never mind the fact that rates were falling like a rock that day right under his ever longer nose.

During the two-year U.S. borrowing binge, normally "conservation oriented" radical environmentalists have cheered the accumulation of trillions in debt. They have cheered the way the new Obama-led EPA has set about the task of killing the coal industry and driving up the cost of electricity. And along with these job-killing efforts they also cheer the increasing prospects for more rolling blackouts. Blackouts kill jobs too.

The White House is right. The U.S. is running out of time. We are running out of the time we Americans and New Mexicans have to put some real authentic BUSINESS PEOPLE in charge of our nation. How many more job-killing policies can we afford? How long do we have to vote to completely discontinue this process of allowing inexperienced and naive social experimenters to destroy the living standards of 300 million-plus Americans in the name of "saving the planet" and "social justice." Not long.
While Congress Negotiates, Obama Takes Some Time Off to Raise Costs and Kill Automobile Manufacturing Jobs
The Week in Review
Posted by
Jim Spence
Spence Columns
We began the week with a, “So what else is new,” story. No, it wasn’t about the federal debt ceiling fight. It was a story of the how the oil and gas industry in New Mexico continues to pay a large portion of our bills for us. Amazingly, certain segments of our political system continue to use oil and gas for their cars and trucks, cash oil and gas checks, spend oil and gas revenues, and brand oil and gas as evil. Biting the hand that feeds seems to be a favorite state and national past time.
The news spotlight continues to shine on two district court judges who find themselves under scrutiny in the state. Facing charges of rape in Albuquerque, Judge Pat Murdoch announced his retirement. And facing multiple felony counts in Las Cruces, Judge Michael Murphy was arrested on yet another bribery related charge late in the week. It has not been a good year for the news flow on district judges in the state.

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Jan Goodwin |
Speaking of bad news flow, the Education Retirement Board (ERB) has crammed twenty years worth of bad news into 2011. Earlier in the year, ERB head Jan Goodwin allowed as to how the ERB had issued a bunch of monthly checks for incorrect amounts all the way back in August of 2010, including one for about a quarter of a million dollars. She conceded she has not recovered all of those funds yet. This week, Goodwin allowed as how the ERB had cost itself over $700,000 when it prematurely terminated the contract of an asset management firm based in New York.

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The Tea Party AKA the "Boogie Man" |
We noticed a change in blame game tactics this week in Washington. It seems the so-called “Tea Party” has become the new boogie man of Democrats. We are told the Dems haven’t passed a budget in more than two years mainly because the “rich” need to be taxed more to save our country. Dems also say the Tea Party is ruining everything. Fortunately for NM House members Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Lujan, the leader they voted for to guide them in the House in the wake of last November’s electoral wipe out, is still Nancy Pelosi. And former Speaker Pelosi is once again taking her powerful message to the New Mexico people, as well as the rest of the nation. Apparently Nancy, Ben Ray, and Martin want everyone to know they are fighting as hard as they can to keep us on the same path........even if the damn Tea Parties try to get the nation to change directions. Good to know.

The Week in Review
More Wolf Protection Demanded
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
KOB TV - Now that state game officials have cleared the way for furbearer trapping to resume in southwestern New Mexico, environmentalists want the federal government to do more to protect the Mexican gray wolf. WildEarth Guardians this week asked forest and wildlife officials to reconsider a petition that seeks an end to trapping throughout the wolf's range in southwestern New Mexico and southeastern Arizona. Read full story here: News New Mexico

More Wolf Protection Demanded
Will St. Vincent Nurses Go on Strike?
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News
KOB - TV - Christus St. Vincent union nurses are deciding whether they will go on strike Sunday in an ongoing battle with the administration. A contract between the two expires at midnight Sunday and if nothing is done, the nurses will take action. The union said they have already given up millions in worker benefits to hospital administration to make sure the nurse to patient ratio stays at safe levels. Contentious negotiations over the issue have been going on since April and the union said the out of state company that runs the hospital has been in the business of union busting. The union also said the reason they are fighting so hard is to make sure there is enough staffing to make the hospital safe for patients. Santa Fe Mayor David Coss along with several high ranking officials, including Speaker Ben Lujan attended Saturday's meeting to show their support. Read full story here: News New Mexico

Will St. Vincent Nurses Go on Strike?
Harbison: What is Your Mayor Doing?
Posted by
Jim Spence
Guest Columns
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Jim Harbison |
These mayors get together each year to discuss issues and build consensus to formulate national policy initiatives. They are a powerful group that lobbies, individually and collectively, for more money for their cities. Money that by the way is collected from the tax payers. The resolutions they pass send strong messages to the U.S. Congress about the type of legislation they want to be passed and the social programs that should be retained or created.

They passed a resolution to implement the Dream Act expeditiously and adopt comprehensive immigration reform and asked for $1,825 billion next year for affordable housing. Another resolution assumes we are all advocates of the electric vehicle and willing to contribute significant taxpayer funding for research and development to get 1-million electric vehicles on the highways by 2015. They also requested $556 billion for high speed rail.
There were a host of climate change and environmental resolutions that each mayor adopted on your behalf including funding Climate Showcase Communities at $20 million per year.
Did your mayor seek your opinion when they voted to reaffirm the right of state and local governments to exercise liens or assess special taxes or other property obligations for energy efficiency improvements? I didn’t think so. And if the costs of goods and services weren’t high enough they proposed creating an Affirmative Sustainable Procurement Program where all products purchased will need a third party validated climate neutral certificate guaranteeing that there are no hidden carbon liabilities And lastly, I know we must be thrilled to know that our mayors recognized the vital work of United Nations Association of the United States of America in cities across America and encouraged us to become well-informed about international issues and how they affect our communities. Finally, something I can agree with. We all need to know what our mayors, as well as the United Nations, are doing to fundamentally change and dismantle our society.

Harbison: What is Your Mayor Doing?
Pearce Explains Reid Bill
Posted by
Jim Spence
New Mexico News,
U.S. Politics
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Steve Pearce |
“Americans have been clear: no more budget tricks, no more accounting gimmicks, no more empty promises,” said Pearce. “Now is the time to change our course and get our debt under control. The American people said in November that they want change; they want Washington to stop spending money we don’t have. Today’s legislation simply does not show that Washington is listening. It contains accounting gimmicks to exaggerate its savings, and it does not provide the lasting, structural reform we need. The House has passed two bills for long-term debt solutions. Now is the time for the Senate and President to set aside party politics and join the House in finding a solution to our crushing debt crisis.”

Pearce Explains Reid Bill