A new batch of Atari games up for auction on eBay

From the Alamogordo Daily News - he second round of Atari cartridges from the notorious dig at the Alamogordo Landfill are now up for sale on eBay. Between 300 and 400 games will be up for auction in this round that will include Yars' Revenge and Super Breakout cartridges.
       There are 40 games listed on the auction website at the moment. To locate the games on eBay, go to collectibles and type in Atari Dig Cartridges, there you can find games from the dig. Each game comes with a property tag and a Certificate of Authenticity proving its from the Atari Tomb.
      Operational Consultant Joe Lewandowski said the games will be posted over the next couple of weeks in batches up to 50 because it takes time to post them. He said they will have the same titles as the first round but just the cartridges such as E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, Missile Command, Asteroids, Centipede, Defender and Phoenix.
      "We have a limited amount of Raiders of the Lost Arc, we're holding back on those and keeping them for museums. Anything that there's not a whole lot of we're keeping them," said Lewandowski. "We also have a limited amount of Pelé's Soccer, RealSports Baseball and Video Chess which are also not for sale, they will be going to museums at a later date."
      Lewandowski said they will be posting 10 more copies of E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, some of them have the booklet included while others do not.
      He said Yars' Revenge, the new title that's included in the auction, was the premiere game of its era and was created by Howard Warshaw who also created the now popular E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial. Read more