Drive-by shooter has bonded out of jail
Posted by
Michael Swickard
on Sunday, November 7, 2010
New Mexico News

Official: 18 people killed in Ciudad Juarez Saturday
Posted by
Michael Swickard
International News

Official: 18 people killed in Ciudad Juarez Saturday
Schwarzenegger bans welfare cards at psychics
Posted by
Michael Swickard
National News

Schwarzenegger bans welfare cards at psychics
Richardson wants Obama to name Otero Mesa a national monument
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Richardson wants Obama to name Otero Mesa a national monument
Educators seek budget solutions
Posted by
Michael Swickard
New Mexico News

Educators seek budget solutions
"Blame" Wins
Posted by
Jim Spence
Spence Columns
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Zenyatta |
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LeBron James |
The only body-graffiti and adornments thoroughbreds require are the identification numbers that are tattooed on the inside of their lips and the shoes nailed to their hooves. And the only “attention” that these thoroughbreds ever purposely call to themselves after their success on the battlefield is the attention they might need because they are injured. It would seem that God gave racehorses way too much class to show up their opponents after they have prevailed over them in competition. Equine athletes never demand a contract re-negotiation because it turned out they were far more capable of doing their job than their agents previously thought. There were a number of New Mexico connections associated with the efforts of the great thoroughbred mare Zenyatta and her efforts to win the Breeder’s Cup Classic yesterday. For starters, New Mexico-bred racing mare Peppers Pride and Zenyatta had both won 19 consecutive races.
Peppers Pride After Her 19th Consecutive Win |

Yesterday Zenyatta returned in the same race. Again she was the only female in the Breeders Cup Classic and this time she was the oldest horse in the race. Zenyatta remained unbeaten going into the race having won five more times in 2010. Her career record was 19-0. In the end yesterday, after weaving her way through traffic, Zenyatta came up a few inches short. When the photo flashed at the finish line, Zenyatta had passed a wall of great horses, but one of her male competitors, another fine racehorse aptly named “Blame” was a head in front. Of course Zenyatta went by Blame a couple of steps after the wire, but it was not at the point on the track where the finish line had been drawn. Surely she must have thought she won the little game she enjoys so much. But all of us more intelligent humans knew she had just missed. Immediately, the New York based turf writers in the television media anointed Blame as “Horse of the Year” by virtue of his winning of the “big race.”

In the end the accomplishments of Zenyatta will pass into the folklore of racing legend and each of us will go back about our daily business. In the weeks ahead, east coast turf writers will cast their votes for “Blame,” the New York Yankees will survey the talent landscape and use inflated New York bailout dollars to bid on the best free agents in baseball. The U.S. House and Senate, flush with fresh campaign contributions for the next cycle will contemplate what if any additional stimulus Wall Street investment houses and commercial banks might need to "save the country." In the meantime Zenyatta will head off to Kentucky where Peppers Pride already lives. She will enter the glorious world of motherhood while the rest of us go about our lives. The power in the racing business is a microcosm of life and perhaps we are all to “blame.”
"Blame" Wins
Top Democrats in Denial
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Barney Frank |

And when Frank helped fuel a housing bubble that nearly crippled the economy for a generation, he again failed to notice anything was awry until it was obvious for all to see. While lesser men, perhaps those not dubbed the "brainiest" man on Capitol Hill by congressional staffers, might worry about accountability, Frank considers it an affront, given his personal and professional record. In short, Frank has a very solid record of obliviousness, denial and entitlement. Watch his remarks from election night on YouTube, if you missed the spittle-flecked invective live. It's a rare specimen: an angry victory speech.
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Jim Moran |
He seems simply aggrieved that he was forced to take a race seriously. Indeed, he was aggrieved that Republicans refused to get off the mat. "The collective campaigns that were run by most Republicans were beneath the dignity of a democracy," he huffed, as if he's a particularly respected arbiter of democratic dignity. Frank was hardly alone in the sore-winner caucus. Democratic Rep. Jim Moran of Virginia refused to accept a congratulatory concession call from his opponent. Why? One reason might be that Moran, like Frank, believed it was beneath him to have to compete for his seat in the people's House. Or perhaps it was simply because his opponent, Patrick Murray, wasn't worthy in Moran's eyes. After all, Moran had complained that Murray was a "stealth candidate" who hadn't "served or performed in any kind of public service." Apparently rising to the rank of colonel in the U.S. Army and serving in Iraq didn't count as public service. To his credit, President Obama eschewed the nasty arrogance of Frank and Moran. But his denial runs just as deep. Read here:
Top Democrats in Denial
Former N.Y. Fed President "Uncomfortable"
Posted by
Jim Spence
From Bloomberg - E. Gerald Corrigan, former Federal Reserve Bank of New York president, said he’s concerned that the central bank’s effort to boost inflation by expanding stimulus risks causing price increases out of the Fed’s control. “Even in the face of substantial margins of underutilization of human and capital resources, efforts to achieve an upward nudge in today’s very low inflation rate make me somewhat uncomfortable,” Corrigan, chairman of Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s bank subsidiary, said in prepared remarks at a Fed conference on Jekyll Island, Georgia. Corrigan was scheduled to deliver the comments on a panel discussion today alongside Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and his predecessor, Alan Greenspan. Corrigan, 69, was a policy maker under former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker, who raised interest rates as high as 20 percent to beat inflation, pushing the economy into the 1981-82 recession. Read here:

Former N.Y. Fed President "Uncomfortable"
Learning Economics by Trial and Error
Posted by
Jim Spence
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Austin Hill |
From Townhall.com by Austin Hill - We could call it President Obama’s “mission accomplished” moment. After less than two years in office, Barack Obama has successfully forced his way into the position of “de facto CEO” over huge chunks of the economy. Car companies, lending institutions, insurance companies and healthcare providers – he has spoken, and they are reacting. Yet after having achieved his goal, the President seems unhappy. And the American people are most certainly unhappy with him. Why? Read here:
Learning Economics by Trial and Error
Progressive: Republican Win Bad for the "World"
Posted by
Jim Spence
From Progressive.org - The Republican electoral victory bodes ill for the world. It will further diminish the chances of anything constructive happening in the international arena. The Senate is the chamber that has more control over foreign policy, famously through its power of “advise and consent.” This is manifested through Senate approval of treaties and appointments. With the truncated Democratic majority, whatever little momentum that existed for arms control or global warming agreements has been further decreased. The new nuclear-arms reduction treaty with Russia faces uncertain prospects. If the Obama Administration feels inclined to arrive at a binding agreement to limit planetary greenhouse gas emissions, the chances of the Senate ratifying it are close to zero. And other multilateral compacts the Obama Administration was diffidently inching toward, such as the International Criminal Court, are now doomed. Read here:
Progressive: Republican Win Bad for the "World"
Progressive Calls for Olbermann's Return
Posted by
Jim Spence

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Keith Olbermann |
There is no such thing as “objective” journalism. Every journalist carries along his or her own set of beliefs, biases, likes and dislikes. It’s actually unhealthy for society when journalists and their bosses pretend otherwise or try to mask these preferences. And it’s grossly unfair to the journalists to strip them of their citizenship rights. Some journalists, like Jim Lehrer, are so concerned about having their “objectivity” called into question that they don’t even vote! Read here:
Progressive Calls for Olbermann's Return