The pit rule is a crony capitalism scheme that was put together by Bill Richardson. The pit rule gave his fundraiser buddies the chance to enjoy a virtual monopoly on waste disposal while steering campaign funds into the Richardson for President campaign at the same time..
Inexplicably, this door hanger encourages people to call Governor Susana Martinez and tell her to "put our health and clean water first."
We have been unable to determine who printed these door hangers. However, those wanting a crystal clear understanding of the pit rule, including how it came about, what it does, and who benefits from it, should order a copy of the book, “Governor Richardson and Crony Capitalism,” published by Intermedia Publishing Group. The subtitle of the work is “Contorting New Mexico’s Oil and Gas Exploration Industry.” The book, written by Harvey Yates does a tremendous job of exposing the ridiculous way that Bill Richardson was able to monetize the emotions of radical environmentalists and foolish lawmakers. The pit rule has nothing to do with chile. It did cost New Mexicans billions of dollars, while raising money for the failed Richardson presidential run.
People willing to hang this flier on their doors should get the word "stupid" tattooed on their foreheads.